The meaning of GAG is to restrict use of the mouth of by inserting something into it to prevent speech or outcry. How to use gag in a sentence.
First recorded in 1400–50;late Middle Englishgaggen“to strangle, suffocate”; perhaps imitative of the sound made in choking; compareOld Norseadjectivegag-háls“with the neck thrown back” Origin ofgag2 First recorded in 1770–80; perhaps special use ofgag1 ...
gag meaning, definition, what is gag: to be unable to swallow and feel as if y...: Learn more.
(someone), possibly imitative and perhaps influenced by Old Norsegag-hals"with head thrown back." The sense of "stop a person's mouth by thrusting something into it" is first attested c. 1500. Intransitive sense of "to retch" is from 1707. Transitive meaning "cause to heave with nausea"...
Transitive meaning "cause to heave with nausea" is from 1945. Related: Gagged; gagging. gag (n.2) "a joke," 1863, especially a practical joke, probably related to theatrical sense of "matter interpolated in a written piece by the actor" (1847); or from the sense "made-up story" (...
(someone), possibly imitative and perhaps influenced by Old Norsegag-hals"with head thrown back." The sense of "stop a person's mouth by thrusting something into it" is first attested c. 1500. Intransitive sense of "to retch" is from 1707. Transitive meaning "cause to heave with nausea"...
English dialect gag to project, stick out (of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse gag hals having the head thrown back, Icelandic gagur bent backward, turned askew, Norwegian gag bent back, gaga to bend back) + tooth; akin to Old English gēagl throat, jaws, Middle High German gagen...
gag rule meaning, definition, what is gag rule: a rule or law that stops people from tal...: Learn more.
(meaning that something was awful enough to induce nausea), was widely heard, it's gone the way of “well, dog my cat” and other archaisms. That's not to say that all Val-speak has disappeared. “As if ” (“that's not going to happen”), “duh!” (“that's obvious”), ...
Gag Order Definition and Legal Meaning Gag Order Definition and Legal Meaning On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning of Gag Order, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used. What is Gag Order? (n) Gag Order is the order issued by a judge ...