In the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, grips aretechnicians in the filmmaking and video production industries. They constitute their own department on a film set and are directed by a key grip. What do gaffers mean? gaffer \GAF-er\ noun. 1 :an old man— compare gammer. 2...
Gaffer IntroductionDan RahmelNuts and Bolts Filmmaking
It is, however, perhaps more difficult (for us all) to genuinely answer the question: "who am I?" “I do” a number of things - and most of them happen to revolve around the on-set component of the filmmaking process. I would also consider myself an investor and a developer. But...
Is this Insight useful to you? Let us know who you would like to hear from in this new series of interviews as we learn more about the craft of filmmaking from our comrades on set!–RichThe Coca-Cola Edition – Sunday Morning Color Grading Newsletter The In-Camera Color Grading Edition ...
Independent Film Gaffer: In independent filmmaking or smaller productions, the gaffer may take on a more versatile role, handling a broader range of tasks due to the limited size of the crew. Are you suited to be a gaffer? Gaffers have distinct personalities. They tend to be artistic individ...
the union here. I’ve always been inspired by the problem-solving aspects of filmmaking and love a good challenge. My favorite thing about this job is when you get a bunch of talented people in the room they come up with great solutions to otherwise hopeless problems....
Gaffer TechniquesDan RahmelNuts and Bolts Filmmaking