February 27, 2023 | IN| WRITTEN BYFilm Connection Who is the Head Electrician on a Film Set? The gaffer is the head electrician. This means that they are in charge of all the lighting personnel. How they got this name, I have absolutely no clue – but rumor has it that the name gaf...
3. (Film) the senior electrician on a television or film set [C16: alteration of godfather] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 gaf•fer (ˈgæf ər) n...
At GafferGuard, our mission is simple: to protect and support the hard work of creators. We understand the dedication behind every project, whether on a film set, a stage, or at an event. That’s why we’ve crafted a gaffer tape that professionals can trust. We believe in being more ...
708-476-5811 :: Wisconsin Gaffer :: Professional lighting for film, video and television productions in the Mid-West. Grip Truck and light rental packages. Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota
based on continental analogies) a contraction of godfather (compare gammer). Originally a term of respect, also applied familiarly; from "old man" it was extended by 1841 to foremen and supervisors, which sense carried over in early 20c. to "electrician in charge of lighting on a film set...
“Andy, his crews and his well stocked warehouse of lighting and grip gear are an asset to film production in the Chicago and Great Lakes region. He is absolutely my go-to for all things G&E.” –Holland Kemp Producer– MAKE . NYC/LA ...
On each film set, role expectations are communicated through practices of enthusiastic thanking, polite admonishing, and role-oriented joking, which enable crew members to learn and negotiate role structures. Two important structural characteristics of film projects provide the organi...
708-476-5811 :: Wisconsin Gaffer :: Professional lighting for film, video and television productions in the Mid-West. Grip Truck and light rental packages. Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota
gaffer in the Film topic by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE | What you need to know about Film: words, phrases and expressions | Film
to "electrician in charge of lighting on a film set." also from 1580s Entries linking to gaffer gammer (n.) "old woman," 1570s, contraction of grandmother (corresponding to gaffer, but according to OED representing a different construction). godfather (n.) man who sponsors one at baptism...