They feature our patent-pending Dual Shadow Line for dramatic sunset shadows all day long, offer the 30-year StainGuard Plus PRO™ Limited Warranty against blue-green algae discoloration1, and GAF Master Elite® contractors2 can offer 30 years of workmanship coverage when they install a ...
Warranty , and means as long as the original individual owner(s) of a single-family detached residence [or the second owner(s) in certain circumstances] owns the property where the shingles and accessories are installed. For owners/structures not meeting th...
Contractors may be eligible for enhanced limited warranty or guarantee coverage 3 NOTE: Contractors enrolled in GAF certification programs are not employees or agents of GAF, and GAF does not control or otherwise supervise these independent businesses. Contractors may receive benefits, such as loyalty ...
GAF Timberline 铜色实木模式耐久厚实屋顶板说明书 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.Timberline ® Shingles North America’s #1-Selling Shingle!Quality You Can Trust…From North America’s Largest Roofing Manufacturer!™ GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS • MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS: When using GAF products, e.g.,...
通过下载ERT3GAF数据手册来全面了解它。这个PDF文档包含了所有必要的细节,如产品概述、功能特性、引脚定义、引脚排列图等信息。 PDF下载 ERT3AAF SERIES SURFACE MOUNT SUPERFAST RECTIFIER VOLTAGE 3 Ampere 50~400 Volt CURRENT FEATURES • For surface mounted applications in order to optimize board space ...
When you install any GAF Lifetime Shingle and at least 3 qualifying GAF accessories, you'll automatically get a Lifetime limited warranty on your shingles and all qualifying GAF accessories*. *See GAF Shingle & Accessory Ltd. Warranty for complete coverage and restrictions. The word ...
PDF Timberline HDZ RS Shingles Spec Sheet SPANISH - RESGN467TRSS Specifications PDF Similar Shingles You May Be Interested In Timberline HDZ® RS 4.8 (62) $$$ Timberline Lifetime Shingles 25-year StainGuard Plus™ Limited Warranty Title 24* & LA County Green Building Code** - all colors...
first: a wind warranty with no maximum wind speed limitation.1 INFINITE WIND SPEED PROTECTION R O O F I N G S Y S T E M L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y WINDPROVEN™ 2 5 1 4 3 Benefits:Product details: LayerLock™ Technology ...
See the GAF Shingle & Accessory Limited Warranty for complete coverage and restrictions. Visit for qualifying GAF products. Lifetime coverage on shingles and accessories requires the use of any GAF Lifetime Shingle and at least 3 qualifying GAF Accessories. See the GAF Roofing System...
使用前 食譜 DO NOT USE THE PRODUCT OUTSIDE OF TAIWAN. 安全注意事項 2 西班牙海鮮飯 18 PRODUCT WARRANTY IS ONLY VALID FOR 敬請注意 3 手卷壽司 18 PRODUCT USED IN TAIWAN. 各部位名稱和使用方法 4 糯米紅豆飯 18 關於內鍋5 香菇雞湯 19 美味米飯的秘訣 6 糙米什錦飯 19 進口商:台象股份有限公司 ...