有用户反馈:自己win10系统电脑安装了windows 8.1 安装桌面小挂件(Gadgets Revived),使用系统卸载后,无法确定windows 8.1 安装桌面小挂件(Gadgets Revived)是否依然存在残留文件,想了解是否有更方便简单的方法,能确保windows 8.1 安装桌面小挂件(Gadgets Revived)可以彻底卸载清除,由于担心如果存在卸载不了或者卸载有残留的话...
1、从GadgetsRevived网站上,下载桌面小工具的安装程序“Desktop Gadgets Installer”。2、然后,双击安装“Desktop Gadgets Installer”; Desktop Gadgets Installer 3、在桌面空白处,点击鼠标右键。看看桌面小工具是不是回来了? 桌面小工具 ▲这里由于Win10系统DWM...
Classic Desktop gadgets and sidebar from Windows 7 working in Windows 11 and Windows 10 Here you can download classic Windows 7 Desktop Gadgets for Windows 11, Windows 10, and Windows 8.1. Welcome to Gadgets Revived, a project created to help you restore Desktop Gadgets in Windows 8+. Downloa...
点击即可打开“小工具库”窗口。在想要添加到桌面的小工具上点击右键,选择“添加”即可把该小工具添加到Win10桌面右边栏。点击“小工具库”窗口底部的“联机获取更多小工具”即可打开Gadgets Revived网站下载其中的各式各样的小工具,下载下来的小工具安装文件为.gadget格式,双击运行会打开如下图所示的安全...
win10桌面小工具添加方法: 解压下载的zip压缩包后(Win10自带的解压zip压缩文件的方法),双击DesktopGadgetsRevived-2.0.exe打开Windows Desktop gadgets安装向导。 按照提示下一步直到安装完成。 然后在Win10桌面上点击右键,你就会在弹出的右键菜单中看到“小工具”选项。
Desktop Gadgets for Windows 11, Windows 10, and Windows 8.1 Meta Description of gadgetsrevived.com Here you can download classic Windows 7 Desktop Gadgets for Windows 11, Windows 10, and Windows 8.1. Welcome to Gadgets Revived, a project created to help ...
5、点击“小工具库”窗口底部的“联机获取更多小工具”即可打开Gadgets Revived网站下载其中的各式各样的小工具,下载下来的小工具安装文件为.gadget格式,双击运行会打开如下图所示的安全警告窗口“无法验证此发布者。你确实要安装此小工具吗?” 6、点击“安装”即可把这个小工具添加到Win10桌面右侧,并同时显示在“小...
Add your favorite gadgets or download more from theGadgetsRevived desktop gadget gallery. You are done. Enjoy. Known issues Due to changes made to Desktop Window Manager and Aero in Windows 10, the main Gadgets window looks a bit weird: ...
Microsoft has removed them in order to focus development on Windows 8 and promote the Tile-based Metro/Store apps. For all gadget fans who enjoyed and had fun with them, here is the revived version of Desktop Gadgets/Sidebar that is compatible with Windows 11, Windows 10 and Windows 8.1!
4、轻松地为Win11、win10\win8.1添加桌面小工具,效果和Windows7一样 5、包含CPU仪表盘、幻灯片放映、货币、日历、时钟、天气、图片拼图版、源标题等内容。 desktop gadgets installer官方版安装使用说明: 1、解压下载的zip压缩包后,双击DesktopGadgetsRevived-2.0.exe进行安装 ...