The original GAD-7 scale was verified as a valid and efficient tool for screening for GAD and assessing its severity in clinical practice and research. Researchers have also extended the GAD-7 to other populations (i.e., the general population) and translated it into different languages. The ...
Efforts to address and screen for mental health problems in Rwanda have been limited, and the importance of screening for anxiety disorders is high. The primary aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Kinyarwanda version of the Generalized Anxiety ...
With new recommendations of universal screening of anxiety disorders for patients below the age of 65 and rapid changes in virtual mental healthcare, convenient screenings are more important than ever. We believe this novel clinical assessment tool has the potential to improve patient behavioral ...
BACKGROUND & AIMS::While adolescents have received increasing attention in the global HIV response and international strategies and commitments, adolescent mothers and their children remain largely overlooked in research, funding and, programming for health-related outcomes. We conducted an extensive scoping...
MEDICAL screeningCOMPARATIVE studiesCHI-squared testGENERALIZED anxiety disorderBackground: Previous studies have reported that general anxiety disorder manifestations differ in diverse settings. Objective: To determine and compare the prevalence of probable anxiety disorders among in-school adolescents in urban...
Screening of depression and anxiety in adolescents with cystic fibrosis and caregivers in Turkey by PHQ-9 and GAD-7 questionnairesanxietycystic fibrosisdepressionGAD&82087PHQ&82089Background Depression and anxiety symptoms in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and their caregivers are 2-3 times ...
(PFC);9 GAD67 mRNA expres- DNA was available for 72 children and adolescents sion was relatively unaltered in most PFC GABA who participated in the COS study.12 In all, 66 had at neurons, but reduced below a detectable level in a least one parent available for study, the vast majority...
Methods: Five thousand children and 2800 adults were screening as part of a general health examination done on a voluntary basis in four different parts of Delhi. A total of 577 subjects positive for anti-TPO antibody constituted the cases. Equal number of age and sex matched anti-TPO ...
ScreeningCulture,ViewingPolitics:AnEthnographyofTelevision,Womanhood,andNationinPostcolonialIndia(review) In lieu of an , here is a brief excerpt of the content: Chaise LaDousa Screening Culture, Viewing Politics: An Ethnography of Television, Womanhood, and Na... Chaise,LaDousa - 《Journal of ...
and identify and discuss opportunities for them to be scaled up. There is a strong legislative framework and a number of guidelines and tools that have been developed by the Treasury for managing partnerships. The review of literature confirmed the need for the state to have effective regulations...