可爱的赤壁娃娃: 女生换装游戏 & 动漫头像制作:现在你可以制作自己的角色,成为一个很酷的娃娃设计师。用你的粉色娃娃作为社交网络的可爱扭蛋头像,或者用你可爱的娃娃制作卡哇伊壁纸!给你的朋友一个惊喜,玩小游戏无wifi,用娃娃动漫装扮培养你的创意! 打扮缤纷女孩娃娃!萌萌哒 ~ ...
I got over it quickly but still a little disappointed. I was looking at getting the boy doll maker, and I then saw how bad the reviews were. People kept saying that the outfits are stupid, and that the outfits in this game aren’t. I have to say there are a few stupid outfits in...
I was looking at getting the boy doll maker, and I then saw how bad the reviews were. People kept saying that the outfits are stupid, and that the outfits in this game aren’t. I have to say there are a few stupid outfits in this game! But all you have to do is NOT USE THEM...