Still playing a bit of Dragalia Lost even though it's on its last legs of life. But besides that the only one I'm actively playing is Genshin Impact. It feels like each new area they add gets better and better. I've been having a great time exploring The Chasm. Cynas Switch Friend...
- Play offline! No Wi-Fi is needed to play! «Notes» - The game may lag on old devices & devices with 4k screens. - Please restart the game if you experience lag over time. - If you experience glitches with the game, please make sure you have storage available on your phone. ...
1,x=e.daSrc||"",v=e.clickFn||function(){};if(t&&i){var h=navigator.userAgent,y=/MicroMessenger/gi.test(h),b=n.isAndroid()&&y;if(b){var k=g(i);$(t).append(k),f[d]=k,k&&k[0]&&(k[0].addEventListener("click",function(){x&&s.addStat(x),m(d),v&&v()}),w&&(...