IFRS往往以广泛原则(broad principles)的形式表述,而GAAP大多以明线规则(bright-line rules)的形式表述。 举例子: 按照GAAP,如果租赁期限(lease )等于租赁财产经济寿命(economic life of the lease property)的75%,则租赁将作为资本租赁(capital lease)入账;但如果等于74%,则会作为经营租赁(operating lease)入账。 IF...
从2009年7月1日开始,FASB颁布的Accounting Standards Codification (简称“ASC”) 成为US GAAP官方唯一指定认证的准则。 在此之前,FASB及各类相关机构,围绕GAAP发布过各种各样的准则、规定,文件多如牛毛,请参见以下发布机构(数字)和发布的文件名统称(每个统称下有无数不同的规定)。 1. Financial Accounting Standards...
UGAAP lease accounting software is an end-to-end ASC 842 and IFRS 16 solution. It automates lease record to lease accounting to disclosure processes. It deals with complex issues such as lease reassessment / modification, multi-currency, and transition f
A lessee’s accounting for an operating lease under US GAAP and after lease inception will recognize a single lease expense, which is a straight-line allocation of the cost of the lease over its term.【释义】在美国会计准则下,对于长期融资租赁,承租人在承租期内需要确认使用权资产的折旧费用、租赁...
IFRS basically between manufacturer or dealer lessors and other lessors – the difference is the accounting for selling profit. However, mechanics of accounting for finance part is the same (net investment in the lease, allocation, please see more here). ...
Property Tax Implications of Lease Accounting GAAP Changesreported on the lessee's balance sheet. However, if the lease is categorized as an operating lease, then the lessee is not required to report any assets or liabilities on the balance sheet.John C. Ramirez...
to be a least 90 percent of the fair value Lessee requires one of these criteria to consider lease as capital whereas Lessor requires at least one of the criteria plus meeting the reasonable assurance for getting the cash and performed substantially under the lease to record as capital lease. ...
US GAAP and IFRS are the two accounting standards used by public companies, but there are financial reporting differences to be aware of.
27. Lease: Both under US and Indian GAAP leases are classified as capital and operating leases as per certain criteria. Capital leases are included under property, plant and equipment of the lessor. Lease rentals on operating leases are expensed as incurred. Quantitative thresholds have been defin...
CFA一级财务报表GAAP与IFRS异同全面总结 CFA一级财务报表GAAP与IFRS异同全面总结 PAGE PAGE 9 PAGE 9 CFA一级财务报表GAAP与IFRS异同全面总结 READING 31: FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS . GAAP IFRS Similarities Purpose of Framework The FASB framework resides lower in hierarchy. Management is not required to ...