first_visit– 当有人第一次访问你的网站或在安卓系统上启动即时应用程序时,会触发这个事件。 session_start– 记录用户第一次参与你的网站或应用程序的时间。 user_engagement– 每当一个特定的页面或应用在前台停留一秒或多秒,这个事件就会触发。 first_open– 记录某人第一次打开你的应用程序的时间。 app_remove...
4、GA&GA4代码配置不同区别 GA资料收集在同一个Session内会包含多种不同的Hit,包含Pageview, Event,Ecommerce等内容 GA4只有一种:Event,以名称区分不同事件session的定义改为“session_start”的事件 四、使用GA4报表的准备工作 初阶操作 创建新的GA4媒体资源 建立数据串流(Data stream) 激活增强型衡量(Enhanced me...
First_visit: 当用户首次访问/启动启用了 Google Analytics(分析)的网站或 Android 免安装应用时触发 session_start: 当用户与应用网站互动时触发,系统会自动为每个会话生成会话ID和会话编号,并将其与会话中的每个事件相关联 user_engagement: 当应用在前台运行或网页在浏览器活动窗口中显示至少1秒时触发。 更多自动收...
As you can see, it uses a tree graph to visualize user behavior from their first event (the session start) to the third event. The graph, which can be found under theExploretab in the left-hand sidebar, is highly customizable. You can change input variables to provide a more detailed r...
session_start– Records when a user first engages with your website or app. user_engagement– This event fires whenever a specific page or app is in the foreground for one or more seconds. first_open– Records when someone opens your app for the first time. ...
Click any event in the report to get event-specific metrics like: Event count by country Event count by gender Events per session For example, here’s the report for the user_engagement event. It’s also possible to create an “Exploration,” or advanced custom report, of specific GA4 eve...
Sessionization: Sessions are determined based on event times and require a session_start event. This is configurable. Attribution: First-touch, last-touch, and last-non-direct attribution models are baked in to give you quick insights into conversion paths. Incremental Loading: Models are set to...
For example, imagine a scenario where you have an interactive map and you want to see which place a user zoomed in on most, and which zones were zoomed in on the most. In GA Universal you’d most likely start by either: Creating an event with a category of “interactive map”, an ...
One major difference between Google Analytics 4 vs Universal Analytics is that GA4 is event-based whereas Universal Analytics is session-based. Event-based reporting allows GA4 to be more flexible and accurate with its approach to data collecting and reporting. GA4 can also capture granular data, ...
One major difference between Google Analytics 4 vs Universal Analytics is that GA4 is event-based whereas Universal Analytics is session-based. Event-based reporting allows GA4 to be more flexible and accurate with its approach to data collecting and reporting. GA4 can also capture granular data, ...