*Average session duration即“平均会话时长”=所有感兴趣的会话的总时长/会话数,分母是会话数。 *Average engagement time即“平均互动时长”=用户互动总时长/活跃用户数,分母是活跃用户数。 感兴趣的会话英文叫Engaged sessions,而平均互动时长叫Average engagement time,他们中文虽然用“感兴趣”和“互动”两种叫法...
*Average session duration即“平均会话时长”=所有感兴趣的会话的总时长/会话数,分母是会话数。 *Average engagement time即“平均互动时长”=用户互动总时长/活跃用户数,分母是活跃用户数。 感兴趣的会话英文叫Engaged sessions,而平均互动时长叫Average engagement time,他们中文虽然用“感兴趣”和“互动”两种叫法...
*Average session duration即“平均会话时长”=所有感兴趣的会话的总时长/会话数,分母是会话数。 *Average engagement time即“平均互动时长”=用户互动总时长/活跃用户数,分母是活跃用户数。 感兴趣的会话英文叫Engaged sessions,而平均互动时长叫Average engagement time,他们中文虽然用“感兴趣”和“互动”两种叫法...
在GA4中,运行报告设置指标和维度是为了更好地理解和分析网站的运行情况。 指标(Metrics)是用来衡量和量化网站性能的数据,可以是数量、比率或百分比等。在GA4中,常见的指标包括页面浏览量(Pageviews)、用户会话数(Sessions)、平均会话时长(Average Session Duration)等。通过分析这些指标,可以了解网站的访问量、用户行为...
你大概只能从Acquisition – Traffic acquisition报告中通过查看Average engagement time per session来看。这当然是和Session Duration有所区别的。另一个方法是在Analysis hub中使用User lifetime的TECHNIQUE。这样就可以激活Lifetime session duration: Average指标。但这个指标却是User级别的,因为在这个TECHNIQUE下不支持...
Besides that, GA4 also offers more new metrics in the Engagement report. For instance, there is an average engagement time metric, which used to be the average session duration in Universal Analytics. Another new metric you’ll find in Google Analytics 4 is the Pages and screens. It shows ...
For instance, the new engagement report helps measure your visitors’ interaction with your site, and it offers metrics for average engagement time. In Universal Analytics, this was called average session duration. Another noticeable change is that there is nobounce ratemetric in GA4. ...
Average Session Duration is out, Average Engagement Time is inWhile the two metrics are calculated differently, Average Engagement Time reports on what Average Session Duration was trying to touch on, but never quite got there: user focus on web or screenpages....
Average session duration measures how long users stay on your site on average. We chose to measure Engagement and Bounce rates in place of this through GA4 metrics.Why it’s important: It’s a shorthand measure for how engaging your content is. If your average session duration is under one...
TheUser Attributesreport allows you to analyze user behavior based on country, city, language, gender, interests, and age. What’s more, you can track data like user count, new users, session count, views per session, average session duration, and total revenue for each audience segment. ...