Once you’ve narrowed it down to a few name options, the next step is to complete a GA Secretary of State business search to make sure another company isn't already using that name. You can use the state's online portal to perform a GA SOS business search. You can also use our simp...
View Entity Returns the specified entity. View Known Errors Returns the specified known Errors. View Known Errors List Returns List of known errors. View Location Returns the specified location. View Locations List Returns List of locations. View Manufacturer Returns the specified Manufacturer. View Ma...
type aml.documentnumber.type string P = Passport number, I = ID number, D = Driving license number, O = Other/Unknown document type program aml.program array of string Sanction program(s) note aml.note array of string Additional note for the entity time aml.time string UTC...
NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Environment (org) organization True string Choose the Dynamics 365 environment (org) in which you want to create the insight card. Filter by entity entityname True string Choose the primary entity that the custom action is associated with (custom values are not ...
entity_detection boolean Whether Entity Detection is enabled, can be true or false Entities entities array of object An array of results for the Entity Detection model, if it is enabled. See Entity detection for more information. Entity Type entities.entity_type string The type of entit...
NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Entity ID id True integer Unique identifier of the entity Returns Body DeleteResponse Delete a Sales Order LineOperation ID: DeleteSalesOrderLine This operation allows you to delete a specific Sales Order Line from the user's ForceManager implementation database. Paramete...
Operation ID: Record-Delete Delete record by ID Parameters Leathnaigh an tábla NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Record ID id True string Enter a globally unique identifier (GUID) ETag If-Match string ETag (entity version) Entity name entity True string Name of the entity ...
The entity type for recipients who were mentioned in the record comment. Record Comment Body comment.text string The body of the record comment posted on the app. Record URL url string The unique URL of the record on which the comment was posted.Webhook...
To get started, refer to our [online documentation] (https://info.eaglebusinesssoftware.com/standard/search?q=power%20automate%20connector).Known issues and limitationsBasic authentication requires an EBMS user license to be configured with read/write permissions for the entity and properties being ...
SearchFormatLeathnaigh an tábla NamePathTypeDescription Company Number company_number string The identification number of the company entity in it's appropriate registry of commerce. Name name string Denomination of the company. Local Code local_legal_form_code string Local legal form code. ...