To get your Gastein hiking pin, it's best to pick up astamp passor the"Dein Augenblick" summit bookfrom one of thetourist offices. During the hikes you collect stamps at every opportunity (inns, mountain huts, summits), which earn you points. If there is no stamp station, make a no...
Georgia Gateway Food Stamps provide supplemental nutrition assistance for low-income individuals and families in Georgia. They help ensure people have access to nutritious foods by giving them different types of food materials for free. Food stamps are loaded onto an EBT card that works like a debi...
70% of USDA’s budget goes to food and nutrition programs like WIC, Food Stamps, the School Lunch/Breakfast program and food banks which helps working families and provides new markets for our farmers. From seed to fork, rural Georgians work moving farm produce as truck drivers and ...
70% of USDA’s budget goes to food and nutrition programs like WIC, Food Stamps, the School Lunch/Breakfast program and food banks which helps working families and provides new markets for our farmers. From seed to fork, rural Georgians work moving farm produce as truck drivers and ...
Fat On Food Stamps: First, food stamps or temporary food assistance helps needy families and helps American farmers by providing additional markets. The “let them starve” mentality doesn’t seem as compassionate as President Reagan or the second President Bush. While starving, the health care co...
Actually, WIC, the School Lunch/Breakfast Program, supplemental commodities for seniors and the needy, and Food Stamps helped the farmland and cities at the same time because farmers could have additional markets for their products. With the recent Farm Bill debacle, the hardline left protested $...
What about food stamps for veggies only? Of course, the beef, corn and pork lobbyists aren’t having it. Moderation: The motto of the great state of Georgia is “justice, wisdom and moderation.” Friends in the health care profession tell me that I didn’t need to abandon beef and por...
I am also guilty of a little “thinning the herd” mentality. My favorite blog post was “Fat On Food Stamps” because how did you get fat on public assistance. Okay, I am over simplifying the situation but we need doctors to sound the alarm during annual physicals. And if someone insis...
“Your tax dollars provided those assistance checks, food stamps and free school lunches…you are sweating over a drill press while that bum plays video games all day in government assisted housing and sips malt liquor that was purchased with money intended for hungry kids.” Dam, I am ...
In the debate last night, Newt said, “Obama PUT more people on food stamps than any American president. Put. Put. Put. No political leader in this nation wants people on food stamps or in need. The implication is that President Obama is a socialist and that’s not the case. Speaker ...