Hell, I like my idea that only healthful foods are purchased with food stamps but Jack’s lunch plan is too much. I have a close friend who worked for Jack and she should be in the middle of his campaign at night and on the weekends because a Spelmanite would have put the kibosh ...
Newt Gingrich: The homeboy Newt needs to stop tripping. He is as smart as President Obama and would make improving America his historic legacy if he became president. But, the food stamp stuff is too much. In the debate last night, Newt said, “Obama PUT more people on food stamps than...
Fat On Food Stamps: First, food stamps or temporary food assistance helps needy families and helps American farmers by providing additional markets. The “let them starve” mentality doesn’t seem as compassionate as President Reagan or the second President Bush. While starving, the health care co...
70% of USDA’s budget goes to food and nutrition programs like WIC, Food Stamps, the School Lunch/Breakfast program and food banks which helps working families and provides new markets for our farmers. From seed to fork, rural Georgians work moving farm produce as truck drivers and ...
Hell, I like my idea that only healthful foods are purchased with food stamps but Jack’s lunch plan is too much. I have a close friend who worked for Jack and she should be in the middle of his campaign at night and on the weekends because a Spelmanite would have put the kibosh ...
Fat On Food Stamps: First, food stamps or temporary food assistance helps needy families and helps American farmers by providing additional markets. The “let them starve” mentality doesn’t seem as compassionate as President Reagan or the second President Bush. While starving, the health care co...