More on TRUEFORCE technology FEEL TRUEFORCE ON THESE GAMES CLOSED-LOOP MOTOR CONTROL The right current means the right torque. G923’s advanced firmware monitors all the current flowing through the wheel motors, continuously adjusting voltage to match outputs from game physics. By going beyond defaul...
TRUEFORCE: Next-gen TRUEFORCE technology connects to game engines for high-definition feedback; experience the ultimate driving experience with processing at 4000 times per second Programmable dual clutch: Get off the starting line cleaner and faster; a programmable dual...
罗技宣布G923 TRUEFORCE与G29方向盘控制器现已支持在PS5上使用。这款方向盘包含能为玩家带来沉浸式体验的次世代力反馈系统“TRUEFORCE”,通过与赛车模拟软件物理引擎的深度结合,能够让玩家在家中体验到身临其境的驾驶体验。目前对应“TRUEFORCE”系统的游戏包含《GT赛车 Sport》《神力科莎 竞速》与《超级房车赛》(2019...
TRUEFORCENext-gen force feedback for unprecedented realism.24-Point SelectorControl traction, torque, brake force and more.Polished Metal PedalsClutch, throttle and updated brake pedal featuring a progressive spring for a more responsive feel.G HUB CustomizationPersonalize wheel sensitivity, force feed...
According to the list of compatible games with the G923 Racing Wheel and Pedals for Xbox Series S|X, Xbox One and PC found at the bottom of the page here:, BeamNG Drive is indeed...
Our TrueForce feedback was working GREAT for the first time on an F1 game until Patch 1.5 came out. Now, we can't even play the game we all spent money on. I get with F1 23 that it wasn't built into the game and we had to have the general force feedback - but this was worki...
I don't know what's going on behind the scenes, but ignoring us users who paid money for your now broken game is getting old very, very quickly. As I said in a previous post, this isn't F1 23 where you couldn't get TrueForce to work in the beta so you never included...
男人的浪漫:罗技G923 TRUEFORCE力反馈方向盘 PPimy皮米 154 351 相关商品 THRUSTMASTER 图马思特 T598P 第二代DAD直驱方向盘 暂无报价 THRUSTMASTER 图马思特 T300GT 力反馈方向盘 黑色 2694元起 THRUSTMASTER 图马思特 T248 力反馈方向盘 黑色 1894元起 MOZA 魔爪 R5 直驱方向盘 黑色 2499元起相关推荐游戏...
and every gear shift, drift, and hairpin turn like never before. It's the ultimate racing simulation tool designed for the latest Xbox One and PC games. Featuring TrueForce technology, which is a next-generation force feedback but also premium construction, the Logitech G923 is perfect for fa...
I’m using g923 but no trueforce Logged richard Global Moderator Posts: 4923 Re: Logitech G923 with True Force «Reply #26 on:November 07, 2021, 12:58:48 PM » sorry, there is no update for the steering wheel support on Xbox console. ...