I'm posting this same message on every G923 post within this sub in the hopes one of the EA mods will finally reply to us. Patch 1.7 did nothing to help our situation. The game was playable until 1.5 and now we're all stuck with no feedback, no answers, and frankly - ...
2.MODS病人护理问题中的“组织灌注改变”与下列哪项有关 A. A.原发疾病 B. B.出血 C. C.呼吸困难 D. D.心脏功能不全 E. E.营养缺乏 查看完整题目与答案 出院后的健康指导不正确的是 A. A.避免用患侧上肢搬动过重物体 B. B.遵医嘱坚持放疗、化疗、内分泌治疗 C. C.术...