G9 536 Air Arabia SHJ Sharjah KTM Kathmandu Arrived On time Sharjah, AE Sharjah International Airport Flight Departure Times 24-Feb-2025 Scheduled 07:20 +04 Actual 07:20 +04 Terminal N/A Gate N/A Kathmandu, NP Kathmandu Tribhuvan International Airport Flight Arrival Times 24-Feb-2025 Scheduled...
https://www.airarabia.com/en Reservations(02) 6315888 Compare seat pitch, etc. Find your aircraft by flight number or route User Photos Airline Overview Air Arabia (G9) was founded in 2003 It is an Emirati low-cost airline with its head office in the A1 Building Sharjah Freight Center, ...
www.airarabia.com 阿拉伯航空目的地 市 国家 飞机场 阿巴丹 伊朗 阿巴丹机场 艾卜哈 沙特阿拉伯 艾卜哈地区机场 阿布扎比 阿拉伯联合酋长国 阿布扎比国际机场 艾哈迈达巴德 印度 萨达尔·瓦拉巴伊·帕特尔国际机场 阿勒颇 叙利亚 阿勒颇国际机场 亚历山大 埃及 阿尔阿比 阿尔朱夫 沙特阿拉伯 焦夫国内机场 阿...
See all the details FlightStats has collected about flight Air Arabia G9 556 (SHJ to PEW) including tail number, equipment information, and runway times
航空公司(英文):Air Arabia (ABY) IATA(两字)代码:G9 ICAO(三字)代码:514 所属城市:阿拉伯联合酋长国沙迦 货物跟踪网址:http://cargo.airarabia.com/Track.aspx 阿拉伯航空公司介绍: 阿拉伯航空,或译阿拉比亚航空(阿拉伯语:العربية للطيران),是一家总部设在阿联酋...
阿拉伯航空 (Air Arabia) 常用工具 航空公司 航空公司 请输入关键词 阿拉伯航空 阿拉伯航空(阿拉伯语:العربيةللطيران)或译阿拉比亚航空,是一家总部设在阿联酋沙迦的廉价航空公司,是阿拉伯航空运输组织的成员。该公司以沙迦国际机场和穆罕默德五世国际机场为枢纽,经营中东、北非...
See all the details FlightStats has collected about flight Air Arabia G9 163 (SHJ to DMM) including tail number, equipment information, and runway times
See all the details FlightStats has collected about flight Air Arabia G9 102 (BAH to SHJ) including tail number, equipment information, and runway times
G9 163 Air Arabia SHJ Sharjah DMM Dammam Arrived On time Sharjah, AE Sharjah International Airport Flight Departure Times 28-Feb-2025 Scheduled 08:15 +04 Actual 08:15 +04 Terminal N/A Gate N/A Dammam, SA Dammam King Fahd International Airport Flight Arrival Times 28-Feb-2025 Scheduled 08...
See all the details FlightStats has collected about flight Air Arabia G9 508 (SHJ to CMB) including tail number, equipment information, and runway times