英文标题:OSTP Director Prabhakar Represents United States at G7 Science and Technology Ministerial Meeting 关键词:G7科学与技术部长会议;科学数据共享;透明度;可重复性;技术和标准 2024年7月9日至11日,G7科技部长会议在意大利博洛尼亚和弗利举行。...
Antonio Tajani, four G7 ministerial meetings will be held: two Foreign Ministers’ meetings, one in April (Capri) and one in the autumn (Fiuggi); an International Trade Ministers’ meeting in July (Reggio Calabria) and...
In the lead-up to this meeting, there has been a tremendous amount of effort expended in the various ministerial work streams with relation to climate change, trade and pandemic response. The base expectations for the conference itself are for an affirmation of the results of all that work. ...
The major findings of the G7 Environment Ministerial Meeting are presented, with a focus on sustainable teaching and learning, university research for SD and effective cooperation between universities and industries. The recommendations have more general implications for the role of universities in ...