🎸 Gretsch G5420T 吉他以其独特的音色和精美的设计,成为了吉他爱好者的心头好。这款单缺角空心电吉他,不仅继承了Gretsch的经典音色,还融入了现代设计元素,为吉他演奏者带来了无与伦比的音乐体验。🌲 吉他采用全空心压层枫木腔体,这种设计不仅让吉他共鸣更加丰富,还带来了动态十足的音色。与上世纪五十年代Gretsch...
Inspired by the golden era Gretsch's of the '50s and '60s, the Gretsch G5420T Electromatic Classic Hollow Body Single-Cut delivers a pleasantly familiar sonic palette and a comfortable feel that'll make longstanding Gretsch fans feel right at home. Don't be fooled by its classic design, th...
3650 0 00:42 App 【秋音乐器】Gretsch G5422TG 全空心爵士吉他 1950 0 00:58 App 【秋音乐器】林间精灵 Gretsch G5622T 半空心爵士琴 4831 0 00:54 App 【秋音乐器】Charvel全新日产高端量产 MJ系列 DK24 2.7万 14 01:05 App 【秋音乐器】有了它 你和吉他英雄Slash只差一顶帽子 5296 0 01:01 App...
In today’s review, I am going to unveil to you whyGretsch G5420Tis among my favorites. I will highlight its amazing features and also my opinions on some aspects. But, overall, it’s an excellent guitar waiting for you to play it. ...
如果从制作工艺来看的话,Custom shop实际上应该定义为Master Build级别,即由一位制琴师从头到尾负责一支吉他的制作。而Gretsch最传统的类似大提琴的制作工艺也导致了Custom Shop的价格相当昂贵,甚至有些型号的价格超过了10万元RMB。 日产的Professional Collection系列则是Gretsch的常规高端量产系列,同样因为空心吉他复杂的工...
When you want that classic '50s-era archtop guitar tone, you need real Gretsch humbuckers. That's why Gretsch outfitted the G5420T Electromatic with a pair of FT-5E Filter'Tron pickups. Unlike most humbuckers, these traditional Gretsch pickups yield a cha...
Gretsch G5420T 空心电吉他 $499 原价$849.99 查看来自Adorama的折扣 爆料人:鸭血fans汤 报告错误 评论 收藏 分享 评论 去购买 点击排行榜 一键抵御冬季时尚荒💥 24S大牌私促7折来袭! Celine短靴史低价$289 3 24S Patagonia 特价区再降价!Retro-X®马甲$78 抓绒夹克仅$58 139 Patagonia Bloomingdale...
I have a Limited edition Surf Green Gretsch G5240T electromatic hollow body. It was ordered direct from the Fender distributor in 2015. Of all the guitars I own, nothing has that rich, but plucky sound reminding me of Brian Setzer just by looking at it! I don’t play it often but I...
【音色测试】AKG D5|Mojotone Champ 5F1 | Weber Minimass | Gretsch G5420T 965 -- 1:35 App 【音色测试】Mojotone 5F1 Champ Amp with Weber Minimass - Overdrive Tone Test 1950 -- 0:33 App 【音色试听】Champion 600 Reissue (Jenson MOD Speaker) vs Mojotone Champ 5F1 | iPhone外录 2396 -...
视频 讨论 Gretsch G5420T and G5422TG Electromatic Hollow Body Demo 37 简介 1 / 2 00:35 估计是第一个在打碟时喝红糖的DJ了 03:11 杜金航《有一个姑娘 睫毛弯弯》,活力爆棚心动预警 01:08 隐秘而伟大:导演真敢拍,赵志勇和沈青禾百变画风好养眼 ...