5 MOOG D662-Z4311 K/P01JXMF6VSX2-A COREMO-0065 摩擦片A1308 EBM-0209 G2D180-AE02-14 220/380 0.66A BEDIA 422207 STOBER MDS5015/L 8723600 带IO卡 LOWARA SVI3305/1-05S110 BUCHER-0170 RVSAE3/6DS-2-1-01-V PHOENIX 1683510(四针大头);5m;3*0.34 MOOG D663Z4305KP03JXNF6VSX2-A HER...
Long terminal repeat retrotransposons and a second class of elements we have called miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs) have recently been found to be associated with the genes of diverse plants where some contribute regulatory sequences. Because of their sequen...