新疆:G3012墨玉至和田段高速8.1通车 和田地区没有高速公路的历史在2018年8月1日画上句号——当日,正式通车的G3012墨玉至和田段高速公路(以下简称墨和高速),标志着高速公路已覆盖新疆所有地州市。 墨和高速项目于2015年3月开工建设,项目全长74公里,起点接墨玉县南侧叶墨公路,经皮牙勒玛干渠、喀拉喀什河、昆仑工业园...
Besides Road & Track, his work has appeared in Car and Driver, the New York Times and more than 100 automotive publications and websites. A graduate of UC Santa Barbara, he still lives near that campus with his wife and two children. He owns a pair of Toyota Tundras and two dogs. ...