Note: To get the most out of your product, download and install the Logitech Gaming Software. 7 English 1 On 罗技® G300s 光电游戏鼠标 2 USB 3 G300s 开盒后即可在游戏中使用. 如果要对 G300s 进行自定义,请参阅 下方说明. 您可使用罗技游戏软件对 G300s 自带的 三个配置文件进行自...
1.打开罗技游戏软件(Logitech Gaming Software)。 2.点击左侧菜单栏中的“宏管理器”。 3.在宏管理器页面的左侧窗口中,点击“创建宏”按钮。 4.弹出的对话框中,输入一个你想要的宏名称,并点击“确定”按钮。 5.在右侧的宏编辑器中,你可以开始录制你的宏操作。例如,在游戏中按下一系列键或鼠标点击来完成一个...
罗技游戏软(Logitech Gaming Software)是罗技的一款专为游戏所开发的增强软,可以通过配置不同的游戏“情景模式”而自定义鼠标、键盘、手柄、方向盘的按钮/按键/手柄的X/Y轴。 在游戏之间切换操作方式,只需在软内更换相应的游戏配置文,就可以切换到自定义的游戏键位,通过LGS软配置文可以导出和分享,非常方便。©...
My mouse buttons 6-9 on my Logitech G300s no longer work. They have been working in this game prior to this for the better part of two years. Because Apex doesn't recognize these mouse buttons by default, I had to map them through the Logitech software to keyboard characters like back...
应该是G300S这个型号是老型号,所以G HUB这个新驱动软件没有做适配。你去罗技官网下载Logitech Gaming Software,G300S安装这个版本的驱动就可以了。
We've put everything you need to get started with your G300s Optical Gaming Mouse right here. If you still have questions browse the...
This prevents the need to run the software again or re-configure the macros and sensitivity settings when using the mouse on a different computer. The Logitech G300s gaming mouse normally goes for $40, but an impressive 50 percent discount brings this model down to just $20 on Amazon for ...
Driver Update Utility for Logitech Optical Gaming Mouse G300 G300s . It is a software utility that will find the right driver for you - automatically. How to Install Drivers Once you download your new driver, then you need to install it. To install a driver in Windows, you will need to...