下载完成后右键该文件打开属性,点击兼容性,勾选兼容模式中[以兼容模式运行这个程序],下拉选择windows 7,再点击右下角应用把修改保存。 设置后界面如上图所示 接下来打开驱动并安装,安装完成后,按如下路径打开文件LWEMon.exe的属性 C:\Program Files\Logitech\Gaming Software\LWEMon.exe 同上面一样,将该exe文件的...
安装驱动:双击驱动文件并按照提示进行安装。 二、设置LWEMon.exe的兼容性 找到LWEMon.exe:安装完成后,找到位于“C:\Program Files\Logitech\Gaming Software\”目录下的LWEMon.exe文件。 设置兼容性:右键点击LWEMon.exe文件,选择“属性”,同样在“兼容性”选项卡中设置为Windows 7兼容模式,并保存修改。 三、测试与...
PCB kleur en meegeleverde softwareversies kunnen zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving worden gewijzigd. Genoemde merk- en productnamen zijn handelsmerken van hun respectieve bedrijven. Tenzij anders aangegeven, zijn alle prestatieclaims gebaseerd op theoretische prestaties. Daadwerkelijke cijfers kun...
PCB color and bundled software versions are subject to change without notice. Brand and product names mentioned are trademarks of their respective companies. Unless otherwise stated, all performance claims are based on theoretical performance. Actual figures may vary in real-world situations. The ...
Automatic recognition of connected shifter type. Natively supported by Windows 11/10/8/7, Vista 32/64, XP, MacOS and Linux-NOT SUITABLE FOR PLAYSTATION OR XBOX True Plug-and-play. Switching thresholds can be adjusted with our software and permanently stored inside the device. ...
支援Windows 11 Auto HDR,請查看以下連結以了解有關Auto HDR 以及如何啟用的更多訊息。 看更多 Image has been processed for advertising purposes. Far Cry® 6 & © 2021 Ubisoft Entertainment. Game bundle license by Software Symbiosis Pte Ltd. ...
Unlikely to be related to Windows or the DP/HDMI cable.We need a statement about this ASAP. 0 Kudos Reply Pg248qp Level 7 In response to VincentDM 11-27-2024 04:58 AM This happens on my asus 540hz as well. It's crazy how bad asus software is, where is...
So far, it appears to be the same as VRR off, except the mouse cursor (if it's not software rendered) moves at VRR refresh rate, unlike with VRR off where it always moves at the max fixed refresh rate. That means the GPU is doing things correctly, but the monitor isn't getting sy...
Third-generation WOLED technology provides brighter full white windows, clearer text, and improved motion clarity Optional uniform brightness setting ensures consistent luminance levels DisplayWidget Center software allows users to easily access OLED Care func...
Third-generation WOLED technology provides brighter full white windows, clearer text, and improved motion clarity Optional uniform brightness setting ensures consistent luminance levels DisplayWidget Center software allows users to easily access OLED Care functions ...