Turbo Model G25 G25-550 Displacement 1.4L- 3.0L KW 550-660 HP turbine housing kit 740902-0080 inlet T25 /T4 outlet V-BAND Product show Factory 1.Wuxi Booshiwheel Power Technology Co,Ltd. ,specialized in manufacturing turbochargers . Our factory was esta...
Model NO. G25-550 Type Mechanical Turbocharger System Body Material Iron Certification TS16949, ISO9001 ETS Component Compressor Brand Garrett Turbine Housing a/R 0.72 Turbine Housing Inlet/Outlet V-Band Compressor Wheel:Inducer/Exducer 48/60mm Compress...
G25-550CompressorTurbine InducerExducerTrimA/RInducerExducerTrim HP: 300-550 Disp: 1.4L-3.0L48mm60mm65.7054mm49mm84 Turbo: Standard RotationPNA/RInletOutletWastegateDivided Assembled and calibrated with 0.5 bar actuator877895-5001S0.49T25V-BandInternalN ...
แก้ไข Turbine G Series เทอร์โบชาร์จเจอร์ G25-550 871389-5004S 877895-5003S แบริ่งบอลคู่เทอร์โบชาร์จเจอร์ Turbine Enclosure A/R: 0.72 HP: 300-550 Fit...
G25-550 G Series Dual Ball Bearing Turbocharger w- .72 AR V-Band Turbine Housing Horsepower: 300 - 550 Displacement: 1.4L - 3.0L PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The Garrett G-Series G25-550 advanced small frame ball bearing turbocharger; including a Garrett stainless steel V-Band Inlet & V-Band Ou...
Optimized for High-Power Engines:Designed for 550-660HP engines, this turbocharger housing delivers exceptional performance in high-stress scenarios. OEM Compatibility:Precisely engineered to fit as an OEM replacement, ensuring a seamless fit for various models. ...
G25 Performance Turbo G25-550มาตรฐานหมุนเทอร์โบชาร์จเจอร์858161-5002S V-Band เหล็กหล่อ Turbine Housing AR 0.72 Find what you love with better prices on AliExpress by using an image search...
手机版:G25-550 正转 877895-5001S T25 0.49 改装涡轮增压器 免责声明:以上所展示的信息由会员自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布会员负责。汽配人网对此不承担任何责任。 友情提醒:为规避购买风险,建议您在购买相关产品前务必确认供应商资质及产品质量,推荐优先和汽配人网旺铺会员进行联系。
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斯巴鲁翼豹GC8 GDA GDB EJ20 EJ25发动机用Geramic滚珠轴承涡轮增压器G25-550 G25 US$930.00-950.00 最小起订量: 1 pieces G25-660 Turbo 877895-5005S新型标准旋转AR 0.72 v型铸铁涡轮增压器,用于柴油燃料型号G25 US$340.00 最小起订量: 1 sets 您所在行业的热门产品 摩托车车架及车身零件 雪佛兰汽车车身和...