Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing the summit at the handing over the G20 Presidency to India. As India assumes presidency of G20, there is palpable excitement in the air. Though a rotational and routine turn, the presidency is being heralded as an achievement of sorts, a befitting recogn...
So, Indonesia and India have swapped the G20 presidency, with Bali now set to chair the grouping of the world's largest economies in 2022. New Delhi will host the 18th G20 Leaders' Summit in 2023. û收藏 1 评论 ñ9 以下为博主精选评论 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 ...
* During the G20 Bali summit, Xi elaborated on China's visions on and solutions to addressing pressing global challenges, calling on all G20 members to take the responsibility inherent in being major international and regional players, and to lead by example in promoting development of all natio...
Widodo concluded the group's 17th summit by handing over the gavel symbolizing the G20 presidency to India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In a news briefing after the two-day summit, Widodo listed the "concrete, tangible actions" that have been undertaken under Indonesia's stewardship of the...
In 2023, India will assume the G20 presidency, followed by Brazil in 2024. As the rotating presidency takes the lead in designing the agenda of the respective year's leaders' summit, the arrangement means that emerging countries' concerns, such as poverty reduction, infrastructure development and...
"I always believe that the G20 should stay committed to its founding purpose of unity and cooperation, carry forward the spirit of solidarity, and uphold the principle of consensus," Xi said in his speech at the first session of the G20 Bali summit. "Solidarity is strength, but division ...
#Modi #G20 #Hindutva #BJP #US disparity was clear during the recent summit of the BRICS nations, which include Brazil, Russia and South Africa in addition to India and China. Even after Mr. Modi had spent a...
Kirton said that the various working groups in the months that preceded the summit showed India making a push to have developing countries call out Russia for disrupting the global order without losing all ties. “(Trudeau) wasn’t the one that brokered the deal, the best evidence shows. It...
In 2022, Indonesia held the presidency of G20, where it played host to the Summit in Bali, Indonesia and spearheaded the conversations and working groups on various topics like policies, action plans and collaborations toward promoting inclusive growth. ...
the heads of state/government level in the wake of the 2007-08 global economic and financial crisis and, in 2009, was designated the "premier forum for international economic cooperation".The G20 Summit 4. (hold) annually under the leadership of a rotating presidency. The G20 initially ...