• Collaborating on mobilizing all sources of finance to help achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement to accelerate clean, sustainable, just, affordable, and inclusive energy transitions energy transitions, by deploying innovative inclusive financing option...
Huang noted the systematic nature of implementing the United Nations development goals, which incorporate social and environmental dimensions as well as growth. "Only with a holistic approach can we solve fundamental problems in the global economy,...
60. We recognize the need to adapt agriculture to climate change and we recognize the importance of improving the efficiency of water and soil use in a sustainable manner. To this end, we support the development of and a greater use of available technologies, well-known practices and techniques...
国际上来看,《巴黎协议》和联合国“可持续发展目标”的表述也是积极政策信号的例子。 二十国集团在公报中支持“提供清晰的战略性政策信号与框架”,旨在引导相关国家政府在绿色发展领域向投资者提供更加清晰的环境政策和经济政策,包括如何实施联合国“可持续发展目标”(Sustainable Development Goals)和《巴黎协议》的设想与...
"As a big country, China has the influence to push for specific goals, especially when they coincide with the interests of other countries," she said, praising China's concrete action plans in the context of vaguer pledges of past years. ...
business. These action plans and practical outcomes will help reduce inequality and imbalance in global development, deliver tangible benefits to people of the developing world, make important progress toward realizing the Sustainable ...
To meet its responsibilities for humanitarian aid, and for refugees and displaced people, whose plight is likely to become desperate, and for the UN Sustainable Development Goals, UN agencies have issued this week an immediate call for $2 billion of additional resources that are urgently needed. ...
we reaffirm our historic commitment to meeting the Millennium Development Goals and to achieving our respective ODA pledges, including commitments on Aid for Trade, debt relief, and the Gleneagles commitments, especially to sub-Saharan Africa; ...
全球165名前政要、学者联合致信G20,呼吁国际协调行动应对危机 2020年4月6日,国创会合作伙伴、国际著名智库——21世纪理事会成员、英国前首相戈登 布朗联合全球前政要、学者共165名发表公开倡议书——《致二十国集团成员倡议书》,“倡议在未来几天内采取国际协调行动,以应对新型冠状病毒肺炎(新冠肺炎)疫情蔓延对...
With the adoption of universally applicable Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the UN Summit in September 2015, the world will be entering uncharted territory. All countries, rich and poor, will have to fundamentally realign their development pathways from 2015. The new agenda stands for nothin...