巴厘岛的地理位置 巴厘岛(Bali Island),印度尼西亚岛屿,位于赤道以南,爪哇岛东部,位于东经114-116°和南纬8-9°之间,西临巴厘海峡与爪哇岛相望,东隔龙目海峡与龙目岛相望,北面和南面分别濒临爪哇海和印度洋。岛上大致呈菱形,东西宽140千米,南北相距80千米,全...
At the 2022 G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, China took the lead in supporting the African Union (AU) joining the G20. In their meeting on the sidelines of the summit, then Senegalese President Macky Sall, who was also the AU chairperson that year, thanked Xi for being the first to pub...
Updated 17:45, 11-Nov-2022 Bali, Indonesia Share Error loading player: No playable sources found In keeping with the G20's theme of energy transition, organizers are putting their words into action by operating only electric vehicles inside the event compound. CGTN's Silkina Ahlu...
Photo taken with a mobile phone on May 25, 2022 shows I Gede Agus Mertayasa, a Balinese disabled painter, at the Bali Bangkit Small and Medium Industries (IKM) Exhibition in Bali, Indonesia.(Xinhua/Nurul Fitri Ramadhan)
Bali, 15 November 2022 尊敬的佐科总统, Your Excellency President Joko Widodo, 各位同事: Colleagues, 很高兴出席二十国集团领导人巴厘岛峰会。感谢佐科总统和印度尼西亚政府为峰会召开作出的周到安排。印度尼西亚作为会议主席国,为推动二十国集团合作发挥了重要作用,我对此高度...
印尼总统:17国领导人确认参加G20,将亲自致电剩下3国 印尼总统佐科(Joko Widodo)11月2日表示,已有17个国家领导人确认参加15日至16日在巴厘岛(Bali Island)举行的二十国集团(G20)领导人峰会。印尼总统佐科。人民视觉 资料图据马来西亚《星洲日报》报道,佐科2日出席在雅加达国际展览中心(JIEXPO)举行的2022...
The 2022 G20 Summit is being held in Bali, Indonesia, on November 15 and 16, with the theme “Recover Together, Recover Stronger”. Yili Group has been named the G20 Summit’s dairy partner. Joyday ice cream, produced by PT Yili Indonesia Dairy, will be offered in various refreshing fla...
Ideanomics’ subsidiary Energica will deliver 88 EsseEsse9+ motorcycles for the November G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia which will be used by the Indonesian police force to escort all international government delegates. This is the company’s largest single order to date."当G20代表抵达巴厘岛时,...
Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the first session of the 17th summit of the Group of 20 (G20) in Bali, Indonesia on Tuesday. In his speech titled "Working Together to Meet the Challenges of Our Times and Build a Better Future," Xi said the world is getting through ...