"Transformers / Last Knight's King" release commemoration! Released at an affordable price by collecting all 30 episodes of the first animation which is the origin 65 episodes plus the all 2010 which was televised subsequent to 3 Blu-ray! As a limited-time production award, with r...
Although Shockwave was depicted in the 1984 episodes of the original cartoon series, he did not receive a toy release until 1985. Unlike the bulk of early Transformers that drew their molds from Takara's Diaclone and Microchange toys, Shockwave's original form was first produced by ToyCo. As...
I have a tape somewhere that included one episode of GI Joe, Inhumanoids and Transformers. Transformers featured Starscream's Brigade, I don't remember off-hand what the rest of the details were. Not sure where that got to - it's at home somewhere but got packed away once I got the Rh...