The effect of a small but fluctuating gravitational field, characteristic of g-jitter, on the flow near the forward stagnation point of a two-dimensional symmetric body resulting from a step change in its surface temperature has been considered in this paper. The transformed equations are solve...
The acceleration is called "g-jitter." In a lot of experiments carried out in space, the adverse influence of the g-jitter on their results has been found out. To extend our understanding on the g-jitter, a research group has been organized. Here, some results from researches on the g...
It was found that the amplitude of the velocity decreases at a rate inversely proportional to the g-jitter frequency and with increase in the applied magnetic field. The induced flow oscillates at the same frequency as the affecting g-jitter, but out of a phase angle. The phase angle is a...
Keywords: g-jitter; radiation; zero mass flux; slip flow; nanofluid; materials processing 1. Introduction G-jitter induced convection occurs due to forces associated with buoyancy, which is produced by the interaction of temperature and nanoparticle concentration differences and a gravitational field. ...
G.823 2M线上控制抖动(jitter)和漂移(wander) 浏览:100 | 更新:2016-11-22 11:50 【部分翻译】: 这篇标准详细的讲述了,网络限制的最大抖动和漂移;并且规定了设备的最小容忍度。只有符合标准,才能和其他设备厂商进行交互链接。 在数字网络里,抖动/漂移源,产生的抖动和漂移在传输层不断的积累;并且各个设备之间...
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JITTER BUG-爱情钓饵漫画简介:模特儿的工作一直增加,反而让翔汰对演戏的热情燃烧得更加旺盛。 在这时候突然来了一支连续剧演出的通告。 演对手戏的是因为某件事情而暂停音乐演出的音乐人?涉川。 望穿秋水的连续剧通告,而且还是跟崇拜的人一起演出, 但与积极的翔汰相反,涉川以非常随便的态度出现在现场。 即便如此,...
Tags: 3900x amd gsync hitching jitter microstutter nvidia stutter Page 3 of 4 < Prev 1 2 3 4 Next > BlindBison Ancient Guru Messages: 2,741 Likes Received: 1,385 GPU: RTX 3070 @Blanky Huh, that's interesting, I'll have to try adding that as a launch comm...
import { Chart } from '@antv/g2'; const chart = new Chart({ container: 'container', }); chart.coordinate({ type: 'polar' }); chart .point() .data({ type: 'fetch', value: '', }) .transform({ type: 'jitter' ...