- USCIS The fillable version of Form G-28 now includes “Don't forget to sign!” messages and an arrow pointing to the signature box as reminders for when you print the ... G28-TOC-FRM - 01122012.doc - RegInfo.gov G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney ... (text box)...
G-28表格翻译 Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative Department of Homeland Security DHS Form G-28 OMB No. 1615-0105 Expires 02/29/2016
tomethatappearsinUSCIS-Listtheformnumber(s)1. anysystemofrecordsofUSCIS,ICE,orCBP.1.a. 8.a.Signatureof Applicant, Petitioner, or Respondent 2. ICE - List the specific matter in which appearance is entered 8.b. Date (mm/dd/yyyy) ? 2.a. 3. CBP – List the specific matter in wh...
(3) Even if an applicant is a member of a cognizable particular social group and has suffered persecution, an asylum claim should be denied if the harm inflicted or threatened by the persecutor is not “on account of” the alien’s membership in that group. That requirement...
USCIS Releases New G-28 Form; Havoc Ensues As Numerous Problems Become EvidentVic Goel