Re: Gsync off+ vsync on?Post by Chief Blur Buster » 20 Dec 2023, 01:20 Mr Mcgoo wrote: ↑ 20 Dec 2023, 00:39 Changing the VRR range in CRU is a good shout. However, if i am at 60fps capped while at 144hz, would that not just disable gsync as i would be outside the...
Oh I can relate. I never used vsync at all (off in games, off in NVCP) since I got my Gsync screen last year and haven't even had a reason to complain...
VSync 是一种通用的技术,适用于任何显卡和显示器,但可能会引入输入延迟和性能损失。 FreeSync和G-Sync都是自适应同步技术,可以提供更好的视觉效果,且不会引入额外的输入延迟或性能损失。 FreeSync 是开放标准,支持多种显卡;而 G-Sync 最初需要专用硬件模块,但现在支持范围更广。
Re: Gsync off+ vsync on? PostbyMr Mcgoo»21 Dec 2023, 17:04 So turning gsync off fixed the brightness flickering as expected. i am running my monitor at 120hz 60fps capped with vsync on. This stops the tearing but what does this do to my input lag?
用RTSS精确限帧以后,同FPS的VSYNC对比NO SYNC延迟差距可以控制在一帧以内,这个效果一般是可以接受的。但是VSYNC的理想情况需要你的FPS能够稳超刷新率,否则会引入额外的卡顿,这对配置要求就很高了。 tonggongzi Wildcat 12 1.延迟多少不影响游戏感官影响你感官的是鼠标采样不够平滑造成的, 因为你的视野绑定你的...
小白想问下关于gsync和vsync(垂直同步)的关系。我可以这样认为吗:在帧数小于刷新率的时候,开启gsync来限制显示屏刷新率来与显卡帧数同步减少撕裂。在帧数大于刷新率的时候,开启垂直同步可以限制显卡输出的帧数来与显示屏刷新率同步。 Reina47 多看吧规 2 所以在帧数高于刷新率的时候,gsync不能解决画面撕裂问题,垂...
G-sync prevents tearing in comparison to Vsync=offG-sync prevents lagging (=occasional frame drops) in comparison to Vsync=on.So it solves both issues.Input lag - I have never heard that it might be related to G-sync.G-sync - if you can't spot the difference then...
G-SYNC + V-SYNC “Off”: G-SYNC disengages, tearing begins display wide, no frame delay is added. G-SYNC + V-SYNC “On”: G-SYNC reverts to V-SYNC behaviorwhen it can no longer adjust the refresh rate to the framerate, 2-6 frames (typically 2 frames; approximately an additional...