非常不幸的是,并不是所有支持FreeSync的显示器都完美支持G-Sync;或者说完美的是少数,大部分显示器都或多或少的有点问题(比如我),原因这篇文章里有讲: 老黄的官网上有个G-Sync显示器列表,最后他也发布了对新驱动G-Sync支持的比较好的FreeSync显示器型号(即最下面的“G-SYNC Compatible”),但截止目前只有17款:...
This monitor supports G-Sync compatible, but it is not NVIDIA's officially compatible G-SYNC. We've searched a lot of results in the community, or we've looked at Reddit, and we've found that 3D settings are "fixed playback frequency." I said I could do ...
In hindsight, it now makes a lot of sense why 60fps force locked games suffer the most, because apparently they sit right on that 60Hz LFC boundary for G-SYNC Compatible. The same games on what limited Radeon experience I had with Freesync Premium, weren't quite as bad. AMD: Nvidia: ...
If I just move the Premiere window fully over to to my second non-gsync monitor, it goes away. If I just move the playback window to the second monitor, but leave everything else behind, it goes away. Seeing all this, I turned the "G-sync indictat...
With kde going wayland by default and their latest explicit sync support it is frustrating that I cannot use my monitorjrgiacone 2024 年6 月 24 日 17:15 114 Not sure if it helps but for a datapoint, my LG27gl83a-b freesync gsync compatible monitor works with 555 and kde 6.1, but...
FreeSync vs. G-Sync Compatible: Unexpected Input Lag Results - [briefly] 02:28 PM EST - Jan,27 2019 - post a comment YouTuber Battle(non)sense decided to test whether there were any differences between running an ASUS VG258Q monitor in FreeSync mode vs. G-Sync mode on NVIDIA and AMD...
Check the box that says “Enable G-Sync Compatible,” then click “Apply: to activate the settings. (The settings page will inform you that your monitor is not validated by Nvidia for G-Sync. Since you already know that is the case, don’t worry about it.) ...
by integrating what it calls Adaptive V-Sync, but G-Sync is something different. Instead of just being based on GPU-side timing, G-Sync is a physical chip that integrates directly into a monitor. G-Sync is compatible with allKepler-based graphics cards, and should be compat...
3) G-sync over HDMI is Nvidia implementing HDMI Forum VRR spec in HDMI 2.1 and forward monitors. Since AMD is also a member of HDMI Forum, it's a only a matter of before AMD also implements it. 4) While no current graphics cards are HDMI 2.1, according to a reddit post some featur...
I was pretty sure this monitor was G-SYNC Compatible. It's a AMD FreeSync Premium Pro monitor so I thought that automatically is a G-SYNC Compatible monitor (it's not?). And many websites and reviews I found say its G-SYNC Compatible: I suppose I would think ab...