While there is no all-resin S Series version of a smaller G-Shock 5600, the Baby-G BGD-560 series serves that role. G-Shock GM-S5600-1: Silver IP bezel and black resin band with inverted LCD display.G-Shock GM-S5600G-7: Gold IP bezel and white resin band with standard LCD display...
G-SHOCK Full Metal系列酷炫再進化 經典熱賣型號搭配多彩漸變錶盤尊享時尚質感 發布日期: 2023年 10 月 25 日 GM-B2100PC和GM-B2100BPC:指針和時標展現色彩漸變 GM-B2100PC的銀色外觀結合黑色錶盤,時標、時針和分針則以紫色與藍色漸層作為點綴。除了紅、綠色調之外,配色上也展現出自由、簡約、多樣性色彩的個人...
TEAM G-SHOCK成员八村塁率性演绎「FULL METAL」✨GM-B2100AD-2A✨冰蓝视觉辉映锐意八角造型,加持先锋金属格调,彰显球场上的坚韧型格! #gshock#卡西欧#卡西欧手表#gshock经典款#gshock八王子 - 卡西欧手表于20240528发布在抖音,已经收获了227.9万个喜欢,来抖音,记
G-SHOCK Full Metal系列,顾名思义,是对原有G-SHOCK石英表的革新之作,其表壳采用金属材质,以金属的光泽与厚重质感,提升了原本树脂材质表壳的档次。这一创新设计,不仅填补了品牌基本款与高端MT-G、MR-G系列之间的市场空白,更为消费者提供了一个轻松踏入高级G-SHOCK世界的桥梁。回顾Full Metal系列的诞生,它...
From G-SHOCK, the watches that are ever evolving in pursuit of toughness, this model uses the metal materials of the square-design 5600 series. The use of a resin material inside the case and a hard stainless steel material for the bezel cover creates a high-quality feel while maintaining ...
G-STEEL FULL METAL WATCHES MR-G MT-G Rugged Elegance Knows No Bounds: Metal G-SHOCK WatchesG-STEEL: Metal G-SHOCK Merged with Innovative Materials Necessity is the mother of invention, and G-SHOCK G-STEEL showcases innovation in the necessity of combining stainless-steel watch ...
20. G-Shock GM2110D with Stainless Steel Bezel and Band The “Casioak” gets a more affordable metal version. Like the pricierGMB2100, theGM2110has a stainless steel bezel and band but with an interior resin case instead of the full stainless steel screw-back case. The GM2110D retains ...
#gshock#「FULL METAL」系列带来全新配色,以纯粹冰蓝视觉,解锁多面金属型格。 GMW-B5000D-2,映衬经典方块造型,尽释独特魅力;GM-B2100AD-2A,加持八角锐意锋芒,演绎TOUGH质感。在金属风格与个性表达之间,...
他决定在大受欢迎的G-SHOCK中规划一款中高等价位的产品,具有全金属材质防震结构的FULL METAL G-SHOCK。但是,如何设计全金属外壳又是一道难题,经历过无数次的失败,团队的成员纷纷表示“不能再这样下去了”。 然而,在伊部菊雄“全金属G-SHOCK一定会对品牌价值的提高有所贡献”的坚定信念不断鼓励之下,团队成员以永不...
SQUARE2020 Choose G-SHOCK WATCH by function or other option Why is G-Shock so popular? G-Shocks became popular because of amazing Japanese Quality, great variety of choice (colors, technical specs, materials), affordability (the cheapest goes from $60) and of course their great durability (s...