Home > Chord Database > piano > G > major third > normal 5th > no 7th > not inverted > GG Piano ChordAka: GmajorThe G major triad Chord for Piano has the notes G B D and interval structure 1 3 5.Full name: G major triad Common abbreviations: Gmajor Chord Sound: Chord...
Piano Chord: G Major Root Position G B D Report Error 1st inversion B D G Report Error 2nd inversion D G B Report Error G Major - Root Position See also the G Guitar chord Learn more about chord inversions. If you'd prefer the old chart with chords and scales ...
G/B Piano ChordIf you see the chord G/B, this means to play the G chord with B as it's lowest note. So on the piano, you'll play the G chord in the right hand and B as the left hand note. Or if you're playing the chord in your left hand, play the first inversion ...
G harmonic dyad (power chord) Common abbreviations: G5 Chord Sound: Chord Structure: Notes G D Intervals 1 5More in this page:InversionsChord on other instrumentsRelated scalesChord staffAdjust chord notes G5 Inversions on pianoG
08:11 06_Rondo in c-sharp minor(原创) 2017-06-10 05:38 05_Kabalevski-Rondo in a minor, Op.59 2017-06-10 02:59 04_Rachmaninoff-Etude Tableaux,Op.39,No1 2017-06-10 10:58 03_Chopin-Fantasia in f minor, Op.49 2017-06-10 16:31 02_Beethoven-Sonata in A major, Op.101 ...
Piano Chords In The Key Of F Sharp Here’s a diagram showing chords in the key of F sharp major. So what are the notes of these triad and four note chords in the key of F sharp major? Chord I, F sharp major (F# – A# – C#). F sharp major seventh (F# – A# – C# – ...
This piano lesson is all aboutthe G minor chord. Let’s learn how to play this chord on piano and keyboard. How is this chord formed? Like other minor triads, to build a Gm chord, you combine the root, flat third (minor third) and perfect fifth of the major scale. ...
斯美塔那 g小调钢琴三重奏 Bedřich Smetana - Piano Trio in G minor, Op. 15 +追 超清画质 评论 收藏 下载 分享 选集 01:28 Schuwenn Z.-《二十四节气》第2册:春分 2018-05-21 01:31 Schuwenn Z.-《纽约回忆录》第2册:自由岛之行 2018-05-21 02:34 Tango Bear Best Theme Compilation 2018-...
钢琴和弦G2 2448 - Piano Chord G2 2448时长: 00:37 音频格式: wav 文件大小: 10.2 MB 采样率: 48000 采样精度: 24 素材ID: GIu8zyG57uov1Ib 更新时间: 2025-01-07 08:32点击登录查看价格 会员低至0.27元/天开通立享优惠 立即购买 相似推荐 钢琴和弦D1 Maj - Piano Chord D1 Maj 分享 ...
The F-sharp major chord I is theF# major chord, and contains the notes F#, A#, and C#. This tonic chord's root / starting note is the 1st note (or scale degree) of the F# major scale. What does 3 sharps mean? More specifically, in musical notation, sharp means "higher in pitch...