For each observable, Oth represents its value as calculated in our code, Oex is its current experimental value, and σ is the corresponding uncertainty. The total likelihood is defined as the product of these three likelihoods. We then use this combined likelihood to run the MCMC code, which...
This work represents the first solid-state 23Na NMR study of G-quadruplex DNA; however, an unfortunate error occurred in this study with respect to spectral assignment. Shortly after, Wu and colleagues [367,368] established the unambiguous 23Na NMR signatures for Na+ ions bound to G-... OPEN An exceptional G(2) extension of the Standard Model from the correspondence with Cayley–Dickson algebras automorphism groups Nicolò Masi In this article I propose a new criterion to extend the Standard Model of particle physics from a ...
美国物理碗竞赛 PhysicsBowl物理碗竞赛由美国物理教师协会(AAPT)主办,已有30年历史,如今在美国极具影响力,每年全球有超过 500 所著名高中参加。 该竞赛由各大美国名校的物理教授以及经验丰富的物理教师进行出题和审核,内容涉及力学、电磁...
By using the external particles’ equations of motion and where the symbol ≃ represents the massless limit, the above s-channel amplitude can be simplified to (12) Now we turn to compute the fermion current in this s-channel ℓR−ℓL+→ℓR−ℓL+ process. Note that γ0γμ...
This paper represents generalization of the novel tautomerization mechanism of the G•T/G•U nucleobase pairs – quantum transformation of the standard wobble G•T(w)/G•U(w) base pairs into the Watson–Crick-like (WC) structures: G•T(w)/G•U(w)→G•T*(WC)/G•U*(WC)...
Meanwhile, the GOP has a two-year window with a historically thin House majority and the smallest majority-winning president in a quarter century. That’s what Trump called “an unprecedented and powerful mandate” on election night and what his new press secretary continues to call “winning th...
Without a doubt, with millions of videos vying for attention, a captivating thumbnail can make all the difference in getting users to stop and watch your ad. To create an effective thumbnail, you need to consider several factors. First and foremost, choose an image that accurately represents yo...
In the case of \(\mathbb {M}_2\), the x and y represent a position and \(\theta \) represents an orientation. Throughout the article, we take \(\textbf{p}_0:= (0,0,0) \in \mathbb {M}_2\) as our reference point in \(\mathbb {M}_2\). In the case of SE(2), we...
It is right because it represents the triumph of the strong pagan goddess reclaiming her true superiority over the false, weak, Christian god who lied and failed to fulfill her. Of course, what’s truly astonishing is exactly how successfully this message overrides the demonstrable horror that ...