graph and image graph of direct propo graphellocs config graphellocs design grapheme-to-phoneme c grapherpaper graphic printing equi graphic analysis graphic connection graphic error graphic job processor graphic kernel system graphic meter graphic pen graphic primitive graphic statistics graphic symbols an...
phoneme_mask=phoneme_mask, char_ids=char_ids, position_ids=position_ids ) max_probs, preds = map(lambda x: x.cpu().tolist(), probs.max(dim=-1)) all_preds += [labels[pred] for pred in preds] all_confidences += max_probs return all_preds, all_confidences class G2PWConverter:...
Since the typical duration of such speech "phonemes" is no more than 300 ms, it is clear that the cue signal must be relatively brief if it is to be masked effectively. Studies of masking have found that white noise is a more effective masker than a pure tone. (Egan, J. P. and...
It can be seen that the index values of the “cover” and the “stego” are not completely coincident. The points with the same position indicate that the optimal code word for both is the same, and the points with different positions indicate that the optimal code words are different. Som...