Cello Viola Bass Mandolin Banjo Gm(maj7) Chord Harmonized ProgressionsG harmonic minor scale harmonized 7th chords Gm(maj7) Am7b5 Bbmaj7#5 Cm7 D7 Ebmaj7 Gbdim7 G melodic minor scale harmonized 7th chords Gm(maj7) Am7 Bbmaj7#5 C7 D7 Edim7 Gbm7b5 ...
C melodic minor scale harmonized triads Cm Dm Ebaug F G Adim Bdim Scales Related to GE Diminished (halftone - wholetone) D Diminished (wholetone - halftone) G dominant pentatonic G Diatonic A natural minor A pentatonic neutral D major D melodic minor G major pentatonic G augmented E ...
highlighted by cello, trumpet and piano on many selections; all drifting together to construct complex harmonic musical skyscapes. The cumulative result is a collection of vast, textural, cinematic, and melodic compositions with a