### 大调音阶(Major Scale) - **全半音模式**:全-全-半-全-全-全-半 - **示例**:C大调音阶(C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C) ### 自然小调音阶(Natural Minor Scale) - **全半音模式**:全-半-全-全-半-全-全 - **示例**:A自然小调音阶(A-B-C-D-E-F-G-A) ### 和声小调音阶(Harmonic Minor...
Hanon39:# g harmonic minor scale Hanon morning355321 曲谱信息 标题: Hanon39:# g harmonic minor scale 作曲者: Hanon 表演者: Hanon 改编/制谱: 未知 调号: B调 风格: 练习 难度: 初学 类型: 改编 收藏量: - 热度: 曲谱简介: Book covers commonly used basic piano techniques, including the five ...
·hanon39:g harmonic minor scale 作词未知 作曲未知 ·hanon39:g harmonic minor scale ·hanon39:g major scale ·hanon39:# f melodic minor scales ·hanon39:f melodic minor scales ·hanon39:f harmonic minor scale ·hanon39:f major scale ·hanon39:e melodic minor scales ·hanon39...
钢琴谱 - Hanon39:G harmonic minor scale Hanon Book covers commonly used basic piano techniques, including the five fingers exercises, scales, arpeggios, dual tone, chords, vibrato, six degrees, octave and other basic skills of practice. It can make the fingers and agile, flexible, independent,...
就是拿5当1的意思 G和弦是5 7 2
G Double harmonic G Enigmatic G Chromatic G Diatonic G Nine tone scale G Major locrian Exotic Scales/Modes G Arabian G Byzantine G Hungarian major G Hungarian minor (gipsy) G Mohammedan G Neopolitan G Neopolitan major G Neopolitan minor G Persian G Purvi theta G Todi theta G Spanish gipsy ...
No.39-08-g harmonic minor scale 哈农 标签:独奏谱其他 作曲:无 作词:无 来源:无 播放量:3 作品 共1首 g调 第39条-08-g和声小调音阶 哈农by:文艺青年 AI谱独奏谱调性:g调人气:785
Scales one note away from G major G melodic minor E harmonic minor B natural minor C major A natural minor A melodic minor D major A aeolian E phrygian A mixolydian G mixolydian E dorian D dorian F# phrygian G lydian C ionian B locrian B aeolian D ionian C# locrian F lydian G Ionian...
Chords related to G (enharmonic equivalents)G on other instruments Guitar Ukulele Violin Cello Viola Bass Mandolin Banjo G Chord Harmonized ProgressionsG major scale harmonized triads G Am Bm C D Em Gbdim D major scale harmonized triads
a) the Natural form of the minor scale follows the key signature of the relative major (whatever notes are sharp/flatin the major scale will also be in the minor scale).b) the Harmonic form of the minor scale will raise the 7th note one semi-tone from what it is supposed to be.c)...