Hi.I try to find a software that convert g-code into stl or another file suitable for CAD but nothing to do.I need to elaborate mechanic structure whit FEM analysis (after infill etc.)Thx for any help!!
Use these STL to G-code converter software to convert a 3D model contained in an STL file to G-code that you can feed to a 3D printer to print the 3D model.
STL mill Table mill to G-CODE View View STL Leather Online apps for leather processing CNC machines Create DXF to G-CODE (knife) 2D Design Tools A complete suite of online tools for creating, editing, and converting 2D drawings, including shapes, parametric designs, DXF nesting, and file co...
This has been the case with STL files for years. ASCII-STL is hardly to be found anymore, the binary format simply maps the “commands” binary byte by byte. The files are smaller, machine-readable line by line or better byte by byte, i.e. sequentially, and anyone who wants to can ...
step-nc程序转换为g代码的研究-research on conversion of step - nc program to g code.docx,摘要当前一种新的计算机数控系统标准STEP-NC(ISO14649)被提出,与沿用至今 的NC代码标准相比较,它有如下一些优点:①STEP-NC能提供一种中性机制,不依 赖于具体的计算机数控系统;
KLA STL Transformers 1360-00145 Transformer KLA TENCOR 8100 Nr.973502 X.Y.STAGE,740-05394-000,FLEX CIRCUIT 810-08477-001 KLA TENCOR BOARD CDSEMIF II,820-08319-000 REV B,FAB 830-05275-000 REV C KLA TENCOR DIGITAL DEFLECTION GENERATOR 701-603180-003 BOARD KLA TENCOR IMAGE DATA STORAGE SYST...
如东宏信机械制造有限公司创办于2002年,位于江苏省南通市如东县新林工业园区内,占地56000平米,拥有各种数控加工检测设备,和近100名的熟练技工、研发及管理人员。 在ISO9001质量管理体系模式下,公司配备精良的设备和先进的技术,自主研发和生产了各类气流体内动力机械设备,如气动马达,气动绞车,气动搅拌机,气动葫芦等气动系列...
HengstlerDS616-PZ500 HonsbergCRE-025HMS-22流量开关流量开关Honsberg type:SL/BK FA-NO.:106818, 2030 mm 8" 600#,15XV-0002 Conductix 91112-310-3016504 Schulz-Electronic GmbHDC2030 230VAC VahleVPC-PCOM-485-230V/50HZ/910108通讯模块通讯模块OTTOJ.TrostGmbH&Co.KG ...
Hengstler编码器0538376GEBERRI76TD/2500AD.1N30RF TOXPRESSOTECHNIK气液增力缸S2.229.100.24 STRACK件夹具Z7608 MOOGHPR15A1RKP063KM28S2Z07 SCHUNKforSWS-01115pinwithsub-DconnectorAdapterside38005573999936356 BRINKMANN潜水泵TA600/450-G+131 NO1K-550MEUCHNER限位器 ...
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