G code G代码 Group 组号 Meaning 含义 G12.1 21* Polar coordinate interpolation cancel (极坐标取消) G13.1 21 Polar coordinate interpolation (极坐标) G70 00 Finishing cycle (精车循环) G71 00 Stock removal in turning (外圆粗车循环) G72 00 Stock removal in facing (端面粗车循环) G73 00 Pa...
List of G codes(车床专用) List of M codes
The operator tells the CAD and CAM software what to do, and it creates the code for the machine to understand. Here is a closer look at what G-code and M-code are and how they work together to drive the functionality of CNC machines. WHAT IS G-CODE FOR CNC MACHINES? G-code ...
内容提示: CNC MITSUBISHI system G code, M instructions(CNC 三菱系统 G代码、M 指令) CNC MITSUBISHI system G code, M instructions(CNC 三菱系统 G代码、M 指令) MITSUBISHI system machining center G M Commands list G00 rapid positioning G01 linear complement G02 complement CW cutting arc cutting (...
G-code是 CNC(计算机数控)机床的编程语言。G-code指的是Geometric Code,即几何代码。我们使用这种语言告诉机器做什么或怎么做某事。G-code命令指示机器移动位置、移动速度以及要遵循的路径。 对于数控机床而言,切割刀具由这些G-code命令驱动,按特定的路径切割材料以获得所需的形状。
Since version 2.0 our CNC Syntax Editor software supports syntax highlighting for all G and M codes from the table below. The trial or FREE version of our software you can download in the Download area. We are planning to add tooltips with comments for each G code or M code in the ...
Multi-chapter guide to G-Code describing: what is G-Code for CNC machining, G Code commands, G Code Reference List, G Code examples, G code vs M Code, and more.
简单地说,G-code是一种用于计算机数控(CNC)的编程语言。换句话说,它是一台控制机器的计算机所说的语言,它传达了运动和其他动作所需的所有命令。 虽然G代码是不同桌面和工业机械的标准语言,但可能我们的3D打印机最熟悉它。到目前为止,你可能还没有处理过它,这实际上很正常,因为3D切片器会“自动”生成代码。
CNC G and M CODE { //https://wenku.baidu.com/view/5f573aff5022aaea988f0f0f.html G00 快速定位 G01 直线切削 G02 顺时针圆弧切削 G03 逆时针圆弧切削 G04 暂停 G05 P2高速切削加工方式打开 走G01 G05 P0高速切削加工方式关 走G01 G09 正确停止检查单节有效...