Over several decades, the Mercedes-Benz G-class SUV built a reputation as an all-conquering off-roader before becoming a six-figure status symbol for celebrities. Now, with the automotive landscape shifting away from gas-powered cars, the G-class is spawning the all-electric G580 with EQ Tec...
2025 Mercedes-Benz CLE-Class 8 /10 C/D RATING Starting at $59,150 EPA MPG 26–28combined C/D SAYS:The stylish CLE-class coupe and convertible split the difference between their C- and E-class predecessors, losing little in the process.Learn More ...
The strange thing about the G-Class is that it can have a completely different character depending on what engine resides inside it, but still remains undeniably a G-Class. All bar the G63 have slow steering and a slightly relaxed attitude to cornering angles: not sloppy, but definitely stat...
名字: Mercedes-Benz G-class 类别: 车辆» 汽车 使用自: 1979–现在 使用者: 生产厂家: Mercedes-Benz 热门套件 Mercedes-Benz G230 Italeri 1:243640 2019 新贴花 Mercedes Benz G230 Feuerwehr Italeri 1:243663 2022 新零件 Mercedes-Benz 230 G Paris - Dakar Italeri 1:243692 2006 新的盒子 ...
奔驰巴博思(Mercedes-Benz G-Class),简称G-Wagon,是奔驰品牌旗下一款备受赞誉的豪华SUV。自1979年首次推出以来,巴博思一直以其坚固耐用的性能和独特的设计风格而闻名于世。 巴博思的外观设计充满了力量感和霸气,其标志性的方正车身线条和坚实的车身结构让它在道路上独树一帜。它采用了高强度钢制造的车身和可靠的越...
Mercedes-Benz发布全新纯电G-Class Mercedes-Benz发布全新纯电G-Class,由四个马达提供587hp/1,164 Nm最大动力,并以虚拟差速器锁定提供智能越野爬行模式及G-TURN、G-STEERING等独特的驾驭体验。搭配以碳纤维复合材质保护的116 kWh锂电池,拥有473公里的续航能力(WLTP)。
The all-new Mercedes-Benz G-Class continues the success story of the model series that was established in 1979 G-Class Words Garrick Hatfield August 09, 2024 The press release announces the launch of the all-new Mercedes-Benz G-Class, building on the iconic off-road model series ...
Mercedes-Benz augments the legendary G‑Class line-up to include a highly purist variantWords Jim Davis May 31, 2016 Mercedes-Benz augments the legendary G‑Class line-up to include a highly purist variant G-Class Words Jim Davis May 31, 2016 Mercedes-Benz augments the legendary G...
如今,Carlex Design更是将定制化服务推向了前所未有的高度,精心打造了“One of One”计划。在这个堪称汽车改装艺术殿堂的计划中,每一辆Mercedes - Benz G-Class都经历了脱胎换骨的蜕变,成为了世间独一无二的存在,极致诠释着奢华与专属定制的终极内涵。“One of One”计划堪称一场耗时耗力却又震撼人心的艺术...
近日,梅赛德斯奔驰在欧洲市场隆重推出了其经典SUV车型——Mercedes-Benz G-Class的全新改款。 此次Mercedes-Benz G-Class的全新改款,重点在于前进气格栅的设计变更。原先的三根平行“百叶窗”设计已被替换为四根,同时,前后保险杠也进行了细微的调整,以更贴合当下的审美趋势。