转载原文地址: https://www.logonews.cn/2023-g20-cannes-summit-logo.html 台州市品牌设计-台州画册设计-台州vis设计-台州logo设计-台州空间设计-台州包装设计-台州插画设计-台州党建空间设计
Chinese Premier Li Qiang is in New Delhi, India for the Group of 20 (G20) Summit, which is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday. The G20 Summit is themed "One Earth, One Family, One Future" and expected to focus on climate action, inclusive growth, digital innovation and...
The Group of 20 members agreed on Saturday to grant permanent membership to the African Union in an effort to make the group more representative. CGTN reporter Zhou Jiaxin has more details from New Delhi, where the annual summit is being held.
In conclusion, India's diplomatic victory at the G20 Summit 2023 not only affirms its place on the global stage but also underscores its dedication to addressing pressing global challenges and contributing to the creation of the world ahead. The G20 Summit 2023 served as a testament to the ...
In conclusion, India's diplomatic victory at the G20 Summit 2023 not only affirms its place on the global stage but also underscores its dedication to addressing pressing global challenges and contributing to the creation of the world ahead. The G20 Summit 2023 served as a testament to the ...
The 18th G20 Summit of 2023 recently concluded in New Delhi, India, marking the first-ever G20 summit hosted by the country. The summit’s theme, “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” or “One Earth, One Family, One Future” is rooted in ancient Sanskrit texts and the goal of sustainable development...
2023 Model G20 Summit完结撒花啦!会议结束后恍若隔世,像是一场醒了没多久但感动不减半分的梦。很...
12, 2022 shows the logo for the upcoming G20 summit outside Apurva Kempinski, the main venue for the summit in Bali, Indonesia. (Xinhua/Wang Yiliang) SOLIDARITY NEEDED MORE THAN EVER Across the planet, the coronavirus is still spreading while the global economy is staggering towards a ...
2023年12月28日,以“汇聚数据库创新力量,打造千行万业数据基石”为主题的openGauss Summit 2023峰会于北京望京凯悦酒店顺利落幕。GBASE南大通用携重大升级的GBase 8c数据库产品及行业解决方案亮相本届大会。 关于openGauss summit峰会 openGauss Summit由openGauss联合行业组织、伙伴及客户共同举办的年度数据库产业界交流与...
“TheG20area was a large circular conference space. Initially, the plan was to create a large circular carpet woven in Kashmir in the best quality possible. PM Modi wanted to show the world the inclusivity of Kashmir in India and what better place than the main hall of theG20summitarea....