It explores the trajectory of these three key global forums, and the dynamics carrying forward the G20 summit as a major new mechanism of global governance. This history is in a continuing process of evolution, and is itself defining the issues and challenges facing the global economy and ...
6月28日,国家主席习近平在二十国集团领导人峰会(the G20 Summit)上就世界经济形势和贸易问题发表题为《携手共进,合力打造高质量世界经济》(Working Together to Build a High-Quality World Economy)的重要讲话。 6月27日,国家主席习近平乘专机抵达大阪,应日本国首相安倍晋三邀请,出席二十国集团领导人第十四次峰会。
G20 Summit Opening Gala in Hangzhou G20 Kitchen Series G20 Kitchen: Namaste! A taste of India in Beijing G20 Kitchen: Priyatnogo appetita! A taste of Russia in Beijing G20 Kitchen: Guten Appetit! A taste of Germany in Beijing G20 Kitchen: Bom proveito! A taste of Brazil in Beijing...
Noting that it has been 16 years since the G20 Summit was launched, Xi said that proceeding from a new starting point, the G20 needs to build on its past achievements and continue to act as a force to improve global governance and move history forward. It is important to keep in mind ...
At Session I of the G20 Summit Buenos Aires, 30 November 2018 尊敬的马克里总统, 各位同事: President Mauricio Macri, Dear Colleagues, 今年是国际金融危机发生10周年,也是二十国集团领导人峰会10周年。尽管世界经济整体保持增长,但危机的深层次影响仍未消除,经济增长新旧动能转换尚未完成,各类风险加快积聚。新一...
Hangzhou, renowned for its rich history, is also a city of innovation. It is a cosmopolitan city with a distinctive Chinese cultural appeal. I am sure that, through our joint efforts, Hangzhou will deliver a uniquely impressive summit to the world in 2016. 我期待着明年9月在浙江杭州同各国...
G20 峰会英文介绍 Outline G20membersLeader’scarsTeaandspecialtiesScenicspots G20=Groupoftwentyfinanceministersandcentralbankgovernors 中国财政部长和中央银行行长会议 G20members ThehostofG20 France:ledrapeautricolorefreedom,equality,fraternity Netherlands VladimirPutin...
From 2013 to 2022, president Xi has attended or presided over G20 summit 17 times. Today, let's review his classical quotations in G20. 从2013年到2022年,习近平主席已经十七次出席或主持G20峰会。今天,带大家一起回顾习近平在G20引用过的“经典”之语。
Noting that it has been 16 years since the G20 Summit was launched, Xi said that proceeding from a new starting point, the G20 needs to build on its past achievements and continue to act as a force to improve global governance and move history forward. ...
The G20 summit( 峰会) will be held in Hangzhou on Sept. 4 -5 this year. The capita city of Zhejiang Provinc is known for ___1__ natural scenery and Hangzhou has long been one of the most popular travel destinations in the country Now, __2___ G20 coming, a well-prepared Hangz...