1、安装GStreaamer SDK。(参考《GStreamer开发环境搭建-笔记》。并以该文中的例子程序为例。)2、设置编译选项。CodeLite - Project Settings的Compiler Options和Linker Options里都添加:`pkg-config --cflags
3.1 工程环境配置 打开项目的 app target,查看 Build Settings 中的 Linking-Other Linker Flags 选项,确保含有 -ObjC 一值, 若没有则添加。 在项目的 app target 中,查看 Build Settings 中的 Build options - Enable Bitcode 选项, 设置为NO。 苹果公司在iOS9中升级了应用网络通信安全策略,默认推荐开发者使...
One can use thegst-full-version-scriptoption to pass aversion scriptto the linker. This can be used to control the exact symbols that are exported by thegstreamer-fulllibrary, allowing the linker to garbage collect unused code and so, reduce the total library size. A default scriptgstreamer...
Right Click options*NEW* File tree organization*NEW* File tree folder navigation*NEW* CSV Export with Folder URLS*NEW* Ability to browse link*NEW* Ability to transfer license*NEW* Updates included in annual purchase Try G-Drive Linker today and see why it is Gray Technical’s #1 growing sof...
Useful when debugging build scripts or compiler/linker options.--clang Use the clang C/C++ compiler.--skip-build, --sb Skip all kinds of build (C++, Java) --skip-java-build, --skip-java, --sjb, --sj Do not package and install java source code....
FileLinker Project_Enterprise for GstarCAD 2022-09-14 123 With FileLinker Project/Enterprise you can easily add all the power of MindManager to your documents and drawings. Whether research information, meeting minutes, process diagrams or complete project data, with FileLinker you get your stored...
The DWARF object file is not used by the linker, so this reduces the amount of debug information the linker must process and it results in a smaller executable file. For this option to perform correctly, you must use binutils-2.24 or higher. To debug the resulting executable, you must use...
Link your code with libexiv2 using the linker options: -lexiv2 and -L/usr/local/lib The following is a typical command to build and link with libexiv2: $ g++ -std=c++17 myprog.cpp -o myprog -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lexiv2 TOC Consuming Exiv2 with CMake When exiv...
gaccess 设置中文 gcash怎么设置中文,使用gcc-v--help可以列出gcc的所有可选项用法:gcc[选项]文件...选项:-pass-exit-codes在某一阶段退出时返回最高的错误码--help显示此帮助说明--target-help显示目标机器特定的命令行选项--help={common|optimizers|p
-Wa,<options> Pass comma-separated <options> on to the assembler -Wp,<options> Pass comma-separated <options> on to the preprocessor -Wl,<options> Pass comma-separated <options> on to the linker -Xassembler <arg> Pass <arg> on to the assembler ...