Modelcode5VL1(A)(B)(D)(DK)(E)(GB)(GR)(I) (N)(NL)(S)(SF)(CH)(P) 5LV2(F) 5LV3(D) 5LV4(AUS) Dimensions Overalllength2,125mm Overallwidth765mm Overallheight1,190mm Seatheight820mm Wheelbase1,450mm Minimumgroundclearance140mm Minimumturningradius2,900mm Weight Wet(withoilandaful...
Our aim with testing Doubtfire is to migrate to aTest-Driven Developmentstrategy, testing all new models and API endpoints (although we plan on writing more tests forexistingmodels and API endpoints). If you are writing a new API endpoint or model, we strongly suggest you include unit tests ...