在这种情况下,没有触发序列,只需在kill命令后按tab键即可。 可以使用<TAB>或<Shift-TAB>键选择多个进程 kill -9 <TAB>主机名 对ssh和telnet命令,支持主机名的模糊补全。补全名称是从/etc/hosts和~/.ssh/config中获取的。 ssh ** <TAB> telnet ** <TAB> 环境变量/别名 unset **<TAB> export **<TAB>...
1)首先自定义一个函数,使用 fzf 提供的 API: _fzf_complete 提供补全功能:2)在 bash 中,使用 complete 指令链接我们的自定义函数:3)终端输入: doge **<TAB> ,结果如下所示:更多高级配置,请查看: wiki 虽然好像写了挺多的,其实总结起来主要就 3 个操作:
For a command named"COMMAND", define_fzf_complete_COMMANDfunction using_fzf_completehelper. # Custom fuzzy completion for "doge" command# e.g. doge **<TAB>_fzf_complete_doge() { _fzf_complete --multi --reverse --prompt="doge> "--"$@"< <(echoveryechowowechosuchechodoge ) } ...
:cherry_blossom: A command-line fuzzy finder. Contribute to junegunn/fzf development by creating an account on GitHub.
向下选择(可一直按住快速选择)tab 向上选择(可一直按住快速选择)shift+tab 搜索(匹配语法) 其实不用这些语法也输入搜索内容能够模糊匹配,以下只是一些限定条件。获得结果 获得结果 在搜索框中输入想要搜索的内容来过滤,用最左侧的光标上下选择好想要的项目,然后enter即可退出fzf并且打印出选择好的项目。
in 0) COMPREPLY=( ${dir_select} );; *) return 0;; esac fi } # Register the completion function for the custom command `mycmd` complete -F _mycmd_fzf_completions mycmd However, now when I change the height of FZF to less than 100%, the TAB completions works but the...
_fzf_tab_complete:54: bad set of key/value pairs for associative array I assume this is because the printed query is not part of the _fzf_tab_compcap array. 👍 1 Systemcluster added the enhancement label Jul 16, 2020 Owner Aloxaf commented Jul 22, 2020 Nice idea. Aloxaf added...
On multi-select mode (-m), TAB and Shift-TAB to mark multiple items Emacs style key bindings Mouse: scroll, click, double-click; shift-click and shift-scroll on multi-select modeLayoutfzf by default starts in fullscreen mode, but you can make it start below the cursor with --height op...
(see below for the details) replace-query (replace query string with the current selection) select-all (select all matches) toggle (right-click) toggle-all (toggle all matches) toggle+down ctrl-i (tab) toggle-in (--layout=reverse* ? toggle+up : toggle+down) toggle-out (--layout=revers...