this not the answer as the Alt-C and Ctrl-T bindings work correctly in zsh. I did reinstall fzf just to make sure, but the Ctrl-R binding (and only that binding) continues not to work. This suggests to me that something in the Ctrl-R part of the zsh binding script is not quite ...
{} || echo "No file selected"' \ --bind 'ctrl-r:change-list-label( Reloading the list )+reload(sleep 2; git ls-files)' \ --color 'border:#aaaaaa,label:#cccccc' \ --color 'preview-border:#9999cc,preview-label:#ccccff' \ --color 'list-border:#669966,list-label:#99cc99' ...
Note:if you already have fzf installed you do not need to installfzforfzf.vim, however if you do not have it installed,you only needfzf which can be installed with (fzf.vim is not a requirement nor conflict): Plug"junegunn/fzf", {"do": { -> fzf#install() } } or withpacker.nvi...
:FzfPreviewGitFiles :CocCommand fzf-preview.GitFiles"Select file from directory files (default to current working directory) (Required [ripgrep]( {pathornone} :FzfPreviewDirectoryFiles {pathornone} :CocCommand fzf-preview.DirectoryFile...
In my case, after I press ctrl-r I see: 0/0 -S > And after attempting to search for something I get: history: Unknown option “--null” No idea what I'm doing wrong. Owner jethrokuan commented Oct 12, 2017 Hi @jpeeler, it's likely you're on an old version of fish, ...
-- fzf-lua to not close the fzf window, this way we -- can resume the buffers picker on the same window -- eliminating an otherwise unaesthetic win "flash" ["ctrl-x"] = { fn = actions.buf_del, reload = true }, } }, tabs ...
Now it supports CTRL-T, CTRL-V, and CTRL-X key bindings (configurable via g:fzf_action) and it opens fzf window according to g:fzf_layout setting.To make it easier to use, let's define LS command.command! LS call fzf#run(fzf#wrap({'source': 'ls'}))...
Similarly to ctrlp.vim, use enter key, CTRL-T, CTRL-X or CTRL-V to open selected files in the current window, in new tabs, in horizontal splits, or in vertical splits respectively.Note that the environment variables FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND and FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS also apply here....
buf_split, ["ctrl-v"] = actions.buf_vsplit, ["ctrl-t"] = actions.buf_tabedit, } }, fzf_opts = { -- options are sent as `<left>=<right>` -- set to `false` to remove a flag -- set to '' for a non-value flag -- for raw args use `fzf_args` instead ['--ansi'] ...
fzf -m | while read -l r; set result $result $r; end; and vim $resultThe globbing system is different in fish and thus ** completion will not work. However, the CTRL-T command will use the last token on the commandline as the root folder for the recursive search. For instance, ...