fz_pixmap* pix = fz_new_pixmap_with_rect(ctx, fz_device_gray, bbox); fz_clear_pixmap_with_color(pix,255); fz_device* dev = fz_new_draw_device(ctx, cache, pix); pdf_run_page(xref, page, dev, ctm); fz_free_device(dev);intw = pix->w;inth = pix->h;QImageimage(w, h, ...
fz_device *dev = fz_new_draw_device(ctx, pix); fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, &transform,NULL); fz_free_device(dev); QString qpng = QString("%1.png").arg(currentPage);constchar*ccpng = qpng.toStdString().c_str();char*cpng =newchar[strlen(ccpng) +1];strcpy(cpng, ccpng)...
canvas_draw_str(canvas, 5, 19 + STATUS_BAR_Y_SHIFT, buffer); ver = furi_hal_version_get_firmware_version(); const BleGlueC2Info* c2_ver = NULL; #ifdef SRV_BT c2_ver = ble_glue_get_c2_info(); #endif if(!ver) { canvas_draw_str(canvas, 5, 29 + STATUS_BAR_Y_SHIFT, "No...
This paper introduces the draw-up process and background of 'the traditional standard for the anti-bacteria knitted fabric' FZ/T 73023-2006, summarizes the present situation of foreign and domestic testing methods of the anti-bacteria properties of textiles and the security requirements on anti-bac...
FSA - Acronym for the Farm Security Administration, an agency of the U.S. government in the Agriculture Department during the Great Depression of the 1930s and 1940s. It was a part of the federal bureaucracy which administered New Deal art programs. It had earlier been the Resettlement Admini...
GE FANUC A06B-0440-B335 #1002 MAGNET PLATE NEW GE FANUC A20B-1002-0730/03A A20B-1002-0730 TOP BOARD GE FANUC A16B-1200-0680/02A A16B-1200-0680 TOP BOARD GE FANUC SERIES 90 70 IC697CMM741H IC697CMM741 CTC PARKER AUTOMATION PC41-220AW-A PC41 220AW A ...
Joplin must be restarted for the new css to be applied, please ensure that Joplin is not closing to the tray, but is actually exiting. Note that this file is used for both displaying the notes and printing the notes. Be aware how the CSS may look printed (for example, printing white ...
INT BaseVertexLocation); typedef void(__stdcall *D3D11DrawInstancedHook) (ID3D11DeviceContext* pC...
首先,代码通过import语句导入必要的Python包,包括操作系统接口os、PyTorch库torch、YAML文件解析库yaml以及Ultralytics的YOLO模型。紧接着,我们设置设备变量device,这样模型就可以在GPU上进行训练(如果可用),这是深度学习训练过程中提升速度的关键。 importosimporttorchimportyamlfromultralyticsimportYOLO# 导入YOLO模型from...
The 16x zoom range may be shorter than the 24x of the FZ200 or 60x of the FZ70 / FZ72, but the new FZ1000 boasts a 20 Megapixel / 1in type sensor with around four times the surface area of those models, allowing it to deliver lower noise and a wider dynamic range, not to ment...