两者的区别在于在BCC栏中的收件人可以看到所有的收件人名(TO,CC,BCC),而在TO和CC栏中的收件人看不到BBC的收件人名。 Cc and bcc stand for "carbon copy" and "blind carbon copy," respectively. This meaning comes from the use of carbon paper, which was used to make copies of documents by pressing...
Rank Abbr. Meaning.FYR, Former Yugoslav Republic.FYR, For Your Reference.FYR, For Your Records.FYR, Flash Your Rack.FYR, Fifty Years of Ridicule ... http://www.fyr.sg/. Photos. 'It's mid-week folks! So why not get off the hook and have. 'Hey ya'all! Larry and his friends jus...
2.1 语音理据(phonetic motivation) 词语的语音理据指词语的语音形式(form)能够产生词义(meaning)联想,具有语音理据的词是对声音的模仿,被称为象声词(onomatopoeic words),包括感叹词(象人的声音词)和拟声词(象物的声音词),其中象物的声音词居多。根据Stephen Ullman(1962)的分类,拟声词有基本拟声(primary onomat...