FyrkBasic Meaning Oren pyrHello ("Days of honor and death.") Oren fyraïGoodbye Oren fyraï sel bekGoodbye my friends NeyYes DaiNo Cal i akash!Strength and honor! AkepThank you ("honorable death") OràchIt was my duty (in response to akep) ...
1 Kings 10:11 Probably a variant of algumwood; also in verse 12 1 Kings 10:12 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain. 1 Kings 10:14 That is, about 25 tons or about 23 metric tons 1 Kings 10:16 That is, about 15 pounds or about 6.9 kilograms; also in verse 29...
2.1 语音理据(phonetic motivation) 词语的语音理据指词语的语音形式(form)能够产生词义(meaning)联想,具有语音理据的词是对声音的模仿,被称为象声词(onomatopoeic words),包括感叹词(象人的声音词)和拟声词(象物的声音词),其中象物的声音词居多。根据Stephen Ullman(1962)的分类,拟声词有基本拟声(primary onomat...